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OOoOoOOOo she updates.


Okay but consider this;

Auri knew Scar and Ty were waywalker.

In AR, she was talking about empathy or something when she was in Octavia.

"I turn my head to run my gaze over the squad. I can feel a flare of empathy in Kal- a restless presence with a violent shimmer to it. It's almost drowned out by the rest of his nature. It's runs through him like fine veins of gold in rock, almost hidden. It shifts and shivers in response as my mind brushes against his."
I can see it in Scarlett, too, and a touch, much less in Tyler, flowing beneath the surface of his mind."

Waywalkers are EMPATHS, right?

And I'm faaaaairly sure that the Waywalker in someone is referred to as gold.

What characters were mentioned with GOLD strings in their minds?

Ty, Scar and Kal.

All waywalker.

Of course, Auri doesn't know what that means because she's only been out of Cryo for two weeks but that dOesnt matter.


Anyway, I rest my case on how Auri knew that Ty and Scar were waywalker.

it mentions that Scar had more mental energy that Ty.

I mean, that WOULD explain why she can almost sense how y'all are feeling.

just saying.


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