soft squad headcanons

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I felt really sad, so here's some soft headcanons to help :)


fin is the type of person that would hug you and not let go until you do. my mans will stay hugging you for HOURS if it means that you don't want to let go.

Kal, Zila and Scar are the 'getting ready trio'. Kal is a literal expert at hair, Zila is amazing at accessories and Scar is incredible at styling + makeup. generally when the squad needs to sneak into some formal event these three will be on their feet in a SECOND to help you.

I refuse to let go of the headcanon that Ty can sing. and sing WELL. you'll wake up in the middle of the night and crawl into his bed and he'll sing you to sleep. sometimes you pretend to not sleep just to hear him sing a little longer.

Zila isn't good with her words, so she leaves little notes for you. you'll find one in the toaster and on the mirror and on your uniglass saying little 'I love yous'

cat will absentmindedly trace little drawings and patterns into your skin when she's nervous or scared. she generally draws phoenixes- and so often that you can draw a Phoenix better than any artist.

an extra crack headcanon for you is that auri is scary good at parkour.
I mean, it would be part of her training as a cartographer to do all sorts of gymnastics and parkour (navigating new biomes can come with unexpected challenges)
and one day her and the squad are chasing down someone and they escape into like, a maze of pipes and stuff.
and she just takes of her boots and goes flying and Kal just stands there like 'damn. that's my future wife.'


ANYWAY, have a good night lovelies!!! I'll chat in the morning <333

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