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got out of a depression slump to write this lol

Anyway, au that people's hair colour change on their emotions (soooo original I know) ft. ty and fin being gay disasters and Auri just being a disaster

Also: sneaky LIFEL1K3 reference for Sailor_Sixam
enjoy my awful writing


Aurora sits slumped in the corner of the room, her hair as red as her Tank uniform.

Her bloodied lips are twisted into a scowl, and she has her bandaged arms crossed.

"Ma'am, with all due respect, I-" She begins to call to the nurse that is quietly working in the other room.

"No. Stay." She replies, tying back stark white hair ,"Battle Leader De Stoy will see you soon, and has asked that you stay here for the while."

"What?! Aw, come on." Aurora grumbles, hair turning a dangerous shade of red.

She had gotten into a fight with a Syldrathi Warbreed over something small in the Dojo.

Maybe it was him checking her out?? Or being a dick?

Aurora just didn't know.

But anyway, she fought him -and almost won- but the SecTeam broke up the fight and dragged the two away, spitting curses.

"Ughhhhhhhh." Aurora groans, and stands up, looking around the room to find a new shirt -hers is bloodied with a mingled mix of red and purple.

"Myriad," Aurora calls to the Academy AI ,"can you blur the windows and shut the doors please?"

"Acknowledged." The musical voice replies ,"please do not get into another fistfight again."

"Thanks, Myriad. And no promises!"

Her hair fades into a dark yellow -the colour of happiness- as she pulls on an oversized grey shirt from a neat pile on a chair.

"Ow, holy cake, ow." She curses, hissing at the bruises on her body ,"oh, Zila is gonna murder me."

"There is someone outside the door. Kaliis Gilwraeth and Battle Leader De Stoy. Open door and unfog the glass?" Myriad chimes.

"Please do."

I straighten down my pants and grab my blood-stained jacket and shirt, and comb my hair down, but it stays a stubborn lilac, the colour of nervousness.

But, of course, lilac deepens into crimson as she sees who accompanies Battle Leader De Stoy.

"You." She spits.

"Me." The Syldrathi replies, silvery hair tinged a

Why the bloody hells is his hair the colour of love??????

"Come with me, Miss O'Malley. Mr Gilwraeth, take your things and return to your dorm with Mr De Seel, understood?" De Stoy asks, and Pixieprick gives off a small nod.

aurora rising one shots, volume two.Where stories live. Discover now