Starlight P.2

376 9 3

"Come on, I think it's time you met the squad."

Tyler grabs my arm and the three of us head out of the bar, and into the dark.

We hurry along the metal and glass hallways, and I light the way with a little of my power.

We turn the corner to an huge, abandoned ship. Well, at least on the outside it looks abandoned. On the inside, it's level and levels of apartments, all bathed in cream and golden light.

"Woah." I breathe.

"Come on." Kal says, and we walk to an apartment labeled 452. Ty raps on the wooden door with his knuckles, and the door is answered by a Betraskan with shoulder-length dyed hair and too-tight pants.

"I'm assuming your Fins friends?" He asks.

They nod their heads and push past him into the dirtiest apartment I've ever seen.

There's computer cables and boxes strewn all over the place, and dirty plates and mugs stacked high.

"Ty!" Someone yells, and tackles him into a hug.

"Cat!" He cries. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She sighs. "I'm fine, Ty."

And then they all see me. The others who were hanging in the shadows.

I smile as three others step out off the shadows. I recognise them immediately.

I point to each of them.
"Scarlett Jones, Fin De Seel and Zila Madran. Nice to meet you."

"How do you know us?" Scarlett asks.

"My names Auri. Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley, to be exact. Sit down and I'll tell you."

I turn to Ty and Cat.
"Cat, right? Nice to meet you."


"Sit down." I motion to the floor, and sit down.
"So, I was born two hundred and thirty-seven years ago. I was going to be a colonist on Octavia III."

"Isn't that planet under GI?" Cat asks, and I nod my head.

"We didn't know that at the time. Anyway, I was seventeen when I stepped into a Hadfeild CryoPod. I woke up two hundred and twenty years later."

I take a deep breath in, and with my power I show them the rest of my story,, making the images dance around us.

I wake up, groggy. My breath fogs up the glass of my helmet. There's a massive crack, and a flash of purple light.
I rip wires and machines from my body, and scramble out of the Pod, and into the storm.
I look around me, and make my way through broken metal and quantum lightning.
"Shit!" I shriek, as lightning turns the room to slag around me.
I finally reach the escape pods, and climb inside. They're massive, designed for hundreds of passengers.
CryoPods line the walls, and I tap away at the screen above me, getting ready to launch.


I blast into the monochrome fold, leaving behind the Hadfeild.

I flick on the comms unit.
"Mayday, Mayday. This is Hadfeild escape pod 4378, hailing any ships. Mayday, Maday, this is Hadfeild escape pod 4378, hailing any ships. Do you read?"

There's a pause, and then a crackle of static.
"Hadfeild pod 4378, this is the Terran ship Bellopheron. How many survivors are there? Over."

"Just me, Bellopheron. Over."

"Were on our way, 4378. Hang on, Over."

"This is escape pod 4378, out."

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