headcanons :)

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finian takes illegal shortcuts through construction sites and once got his foot stuck in concrete

Kal has an addiction to strawberry pocky. he got some from an shady store selling earth stuff and hasn't been the same since. auri made him an unhealthy amount in the Echo

auri can play the violin. she learnt violin in the echo to spite the Eshvaren and to feel closer to her sister. her and Kal sometimes do duets

cat has learnt to do her own tattoos, and therefore did Tyler's Alpha tattoo.

Zila like bees. that is all. she's like tubbo (d!smp)

Scarlett does fins makeup (writing a one shot on this after I post this chapter lol)

Tyler used to do ballet dancing. no I'm not elaborating

on a non-character note, the Wave Way (syldrathi fighting technique) looks like dancing.

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