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This chapter is dedicated to RayneyDay97
I might not be able to give you a present irl but I just wanted to say happy 23rd birthday!
Thank you for motivating me to finish this chapter!!!

Also, I posted a book called the idiots of legion lane. It's a modern Au, with an Apocalypse Hype House sorta style. Go check it out if you can, as well as the UNBROKEN series! Thanks!!


"Scar I swear-" I mutter, fitting into the dress.

"No. Not hearing a word of it. Nope nope nope." She says, and leans over to help me into my dress.

I manage to pull it on, and sigh in comfort.

"Wow. I did not expect to look that good." I breathe, looking at myself in the mirror.

My dress is this short, white and gold dress that's skirts reach just above my mid-thigh in a puff. The dress is layered, so it has this big sheet of white fabric in the middle, and has a thousand layers of see-through fabric layered in top. In those layers, golden beads rest, giving it a twinkling glow.

My dress has a sweetheart top, with a gold trim to it as well.

I look amazing.

"I'm not done yet." Scar tells me, and orders me to sit down.

She styles my hair into a bun, and leaves two thick strips out, framing my face. She secured it with a golden, sun shaped hair clip.

"I gotta go help Saedii." Scar whispers, and leaves the room with a warm smile.

I slide on golden heels and slip a golden necklace around my neck, along with some earrings.

Kal is gonna freak when he sees you, Auri J.

There's loud shouting from the other room, and I smother my giggles.

Saedii must rrrrrrreally hate her clothes.

I shake my head, and start to apply pale pink lipstick to my lips.

"Aurora?" Ty calls from the door ,"It's time to go."

"In a minute!" I holler, and fix up my hair juuuuust a little bit.

"This probably won't go well." He says.

"Nope!" I agree cheerily.

"Maker, why did I agree to this?" He sighs.

"You didn't! Scar pressured you into it."

He mutters something under his breath, I eventually come up to him, and he offers me a quick smile.

"What if Saedii kills someone?" He asks in a hushed tone.

"I'll be there to stop her." I say.

"As well as Kal and Me." He sighs.

"Mhm. Your looking pretty good, I gotta say, Ty."

He wears some blue jeans and a white t-shirt, with red and white converses and sunglasses perched dangerously on his head.

"Id say the same thing about you, A."

I do a quick twirl, golden beads twinkling.

"Thanks. Now, lets get out of here!"


"Holy mother of macaroni..." I breathe, looking out at the golden-lit restaurant.

"Makers breath, Scar really went all-out on this one." Tyler says, running a nervous hand through his hair.

aurora rising one shots, volume two.Where stories live. Discover now