Blood AU

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Au where you are born with white blood. The more crimes you commit, the darker your blood runs.


Kaliis Idraban Gilwraeth
Black blood. Blacker than black. B l a c k.
"What...why do you have black blood?"
"I have done things, Be'shmai. Terrible things."

Tyler Jones
Light grey blood. Like, light grey. But after everything that happened with Auri, it's gone to a medium grey.

"What the fuck, Ty? What happened? You were so good..."

Cat Brannock
Dark grey blood. Hey, she's committed quite a bit o' crime.

"Your bloods getting dark, Cat."
"Mhm. And it's gonna keep on getting darker."

Zila Madran
Medium grey blood.
Look, I don't know choomp about colours.

"Dark blood to match dark skin you little bitch!"

Scarlett Isobel Jones
Black blood. Blaaaaaaack blood.
In AB it mentions her stealing cases of Larrassian Semptar, 64 arrests and skinny dipping in a volcanic planet.

"Why am I not suprised."

Finian De Seel
White blood. But as the story continues, his blood darkens.
And darkens
And darkens

"Hey look I got black blood to match black contacts!"

Aurora Jie Lin O'Malley
You had to have white blood to enter the Hadfeild.
Now she has black blood.

"What have I done..."

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