chapter two.

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it was the next day, you woke up a bit drowsy because of the many social interactions yesterday. Nagito was the only one on your mind. As you entered the extravagantly decorated cafeteria, you noticed Teruteru cooking with the biggest smile on his face as the aroma of the food spread everywhere. You noticed a few people around so you decided to talk to Kazuichi and Sonia.


Dialogue: (Sonia, Kazuichi, Y/N)

Y/N: hey! good morning!

K: heyyy!

S: good morning y/n.

Y/N: Anything y'all up to?

K: Yeah we were just exploring the places before we got here for breakfast

S: the views are very nice indeed!

K: but we all know you are the best view, Miss. Sonia huhu


"Well, they seem really cute together, ill just leave them to it, Hajime and Nagito are here anyways"

Hajime and Nagito were just chatting until Nagito noticed you.

"Oh wow, they sure are so beautiful. No, I have to focus on their talent! oh yeah I forgot to ask them what their ultimate is, I'll just go ask them!"


Dialogue: (Nagito, Hajime, Y/N)

N: Hey Y/N!

Y/N: Good morning!

H: Hm seems like we are late heh, I used to always be late in middle school

Y/N: You need to work on that >:(

N: okay okay sorry, we just slept in

Y/N: ight whatever brekkie is ready anyways lets go!



N: haha, brekkie sounds cute!~ (just like you)

Y/N: lets just go already :<


the aroma of the food smelled so pleasant and everyone gleamed huge smiles at the amazing breakfast. "Thank you Teruteru!!!" Everyone chanted in delight.

Everyone started eating like there was no tomorrow especially Nagito with the bagels and the coconut water.


Dialogue: (everyone)

Akane: hey nagito, save some coconut water for the rest of us dimwit!

Nagito: Sorry not sorry, this is first come first serve!

Mahiru: well I'm getting a bagel before all of them run out!

Teruteru: ok everyone slow down will you?

Byakuya: yes, I agree with Teruteru, you will all get stomachaches if you eat too fast, that's including you Nagito.

Nekomaru: Hey Gundham, why arent you eating any of the eggs or the sausage?

Gundham: you all are eating the poor animals who lived a horrible life to be eaten by you savages! ill stick with my bread and jam thank you very much.

Mikan: Well, I do agree that the jam is very good, and the bread is nice and fluffy.

Sonia: I must say so myself, I agree with Mikan.

Kazuichi: Well, I saved my piece of bread specially for you Miss. Sonia!

Ibuki: Hey Y/N, whatcha think of the food? dope right?!

Y/N: Yeah! I'm going Ham on the coconut jelly here! everyone is missing out on the nice meat inside the coconuts!

Chiaki: Well I'm lazy to break open all of those coconuts to get the meat, can you help me Y/N?

Y/N: Sure!!

Byakuya: Ok everyone, I have an announcement as class leader, I will be organizing a party at my cottage, attendance is mandatory! Please come at 6PM sharp!

everyone else: okay!


as everyone was finishing breakfast and helping to clean up, you noticed Nagito instead of cleaning, breaking a bunch of coconuts and removing the jelly, carefully putting them into a bowl. As you were collecting plates you noticed a heart shaped cutter with him as well as he cut the jelly into cute little hearts, resembling a child's bento box.

"hm, I wonder who he's making them for, someone he admires perhaps?"

~*timeskip after cleaning is done*~

You were all tuckered out after cleaning all those plates but it was definitely worth the amazing food Teruteru made for everyone.

You sat down at a nearby seat with shade to read an outdated magazine you found in the library. When Nagito presented you with a bowl of coconut jelly with a note on it.

"Hi! i just learned you really like this so I hope you appreciate my offering! Lets talk sometime, I'm really curious on your ultimate!"

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