chapter sixteen.

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Author's note:

Hello everyone! My apologies for the cliffhanger ending of the last chapter. (sorta) But luckily, today you'll find out what happened! Take a look at my rough design of the Kokichi art I am working on for art class! You must think it's great, don't you? As soon as I'm done, I'll show you my final illustration! Anyway, we're close to 500 reads! So since I said I'd write another chapter from Nagito's perspective, if you want more of Nagito's perspective, please support this book and tell your friends about it :) Anyways, have fun reading this chapter! Ly guys 


You read that note and your eyes gleamed in happiness as you repetitively read the note to make sure you didn't misread it. You were even pinching yourself to make sure this wasn't one of your ridiculous dreams. Someone like Hajime admired you. You weren't even sure of what his talent was but you are sure that you admired him in a way. 

"Okay, everyone! Last but not least, we have Chiaki Nanami, the ultimate gamer! She is going to be singing "Hate me" by Ellie Goulding and Juice WRLD! GIve some love for the last performance!"

When Chiaki started singing this song, you thought it was logical that she would sing this type of song, but you wondered about the lyrics, did Chiaki mean what she was saying? Having heard nothing about her past, you were curious about what happened to her. As a result, your suspicions rose. You decided to brush it off as it wasn't the best to be too concerned about a song's lyrics.

As Chiaki finished her song, she did a humble curtsey and left the spotlight to go back to playing games on her handheld console. After all the karaoke was done, everyone went to the restaurant to relish a fulfilling supper.

As you were walking out during the night, you got a bit chilly due to the cool nights on the island and you not wearing proper attire for cool nights. When Hajime and Nagito noticed you were getting cold, they both simultaneously took off their jackets to put them onto you. When you noticed both of them holding their jackets out for you, you were in a state of confusion. 

"Um, why are you both holding out your jackets? You look kinda dumb right now..." You stated in confusion.

"Aren't you cold Y/N? You were visibly shivering, it's not okay to catch a cold you know?" Hajime responded in a way that a lover would typically behave.

"Hajime, would you do me a favour and back off my lover? They are mine, you weren't slick out there with that rebellious deed of a song. I saw everything you did you know?" Nagito opposed.

As Hajime and Nagito argued, you decided to flee the circumstance and ran to the front of the group to head to the restaurant. As you walked up the stairway, you noticed that several platters were set by the dining table that didn't smell like Teruteru's traditional recipes. You started doubting the food that was set until Usami jumped out of nowhere in happiness.

"Hello everyone! I decided to set up a surprise for everyone while everyone was partying! You all did well at the karaoke party so as a reward, you are all getting hope fragments and a gourmet dinner made by me! Eat well and rest well so everyone can have a vigorous day tomorrow with many activities! Now then, allow us to start eating!" Usami cheered in excitement as she displayed the reward that she made for everyone.

As everyone opened up the platters, you saw an array of different kinds of sushi that included maki rolls, nigiri, temaki and narezushi.

"Sorry I couldn't make any more kinds of sushi, I don't know how to make any other kinds," Usami told in sorrow. 

"Hey, it's okay Usami we still appreciate the thought of making dinner for us! it's delicious by the way!" You encouraged.

"r-really Y/N? You sure are learning from this field trip! You will be set for hope's peak academy soon enough!" Usami brightened in joy.


Dialogue: (everyone)

Teruteru: It's quite a change that I'm not cooking tonight, and the flavour profile of the temaki isn't half bad!

Usami: Thank you! that means a lot from the ultimate cook!

Nagito: Would you like some of the maki rolls Y/N? I know that they are your favourite type of sushi.

Y/N: No thanks, I'm already stuffed! I must have eaten too fast

Gundham: I must say, for a rabbit, you have made the supreme overlord appeased! haha!

Kazuichi: when are you gonna stop being delusional?

Sonia: he's not being delusional at all pest!

Ibuki: hey! there's ramune in the fridge! Who wants some?

everyone: me!

Hajime: I declare this ramune toast to everyone here and this celebration of hope! cheers!

Hiyoko: Can you stop with the cheezy toasts? just drink it it's ramune you know?

Fuyuhiko: Hey Akane! slow down your gonna finish all the food some people are still hungry you know?

Akane: and I'm one of those hungry people!

Nekomaru: haha things will never change am I right?

Mahiru: and let's keep it this way.

Mikan: um guys, I f-feel there's something fishy in our d-drinks

Peko: I agree with Mikan, it tastes unusual, there's a bitter undertone to this sweet soda. It resembles a sleeping medication taste commonly used in the practices of kidnapping.

Byakuya: Damn it! I think it's true, Chiaki seems knocked out!

Hajime: but Chiaki is always tired around this time

Y/N: true, but Nagito says he's also getting dizzy!

Ibuki: and we all drank it what are we gonna do?!

Akane: I  say we run to bed before we pass out

Byakuya: I say that's the dumbest idea I have ever heard! Some of us may pass out before we get there and more people are sleeping here by the second!

Y/N: whatever! what other ideas do we have? At this point, we might as well just sleep here?

Sonia: I say that seems most appropriate as most of our unconscious already!


As soon as you got up to start making a bed, You fell to an unconscious state of mind.

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