chapter five.

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authors note:

Hii again! it's me the author, thank you so much for 50 READS!!!!! I can't believe that many people are interested in my series and this is really giving me the motivation to write much more of this series! if you are a fan of more slow-paced novels and interactions, then this series is for you! now back to your regularly scheduled chapter! love you guys sm <3


Since Nagito was just in bed and everyone else was still here, you decided to keep on enjoying the party. Everyone was back to doing their own activities like before so you decided to use the old PlayStation lying around nobody was using. It was in mediocre condition but still playable and it included a few games to play on. You just decided to play Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters since it seemed pretty interesting and it's a visual novel so there won't be much action gameplay. As you were trying to get the console running, it kept shutting down and no matter how many times you restarted it, it just wouldn't start.

"Hey, I can help you out, only if you let me play as well dumbass!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed as he saw you intrigued in something. "Sure boss." as you said in the most sarcastic tone possible.


Dialogue: (Fuyuhiko, Peko, Y/N)

F: Okay, just need to get some of this dust out of the console, this brings back a lot of nostalgia!

P: Yes young master, you used to play Yakusa as a young kid

Y/N: doesn't that game have a ton of gore tho? I don't think a "young kid" should've played an 18+ game like that

F: shut the f**k up the console is working for you now a**hole

P: great! is there any game you would like to play?


Y/N: aw come on, I already picked Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters!

F: oh heck nah too bad I already fixed the console so I deserve to choose the game

Y/N: well I FOUND the console in the first place so I DECIDE THE GAME

P: calm down you two, stop acting like children. Just pick the game using a coin toss and whoever gets their side picks the game

F: ok deal, I call heads!

Y/N: ok I get tails

*the coin lands on heads*


Y/N okay fine >:I


After some time playing with Fuyuhiko and Peko, Teruteru announced that dinner was ready to be served. After the chime, everyone quickly took a seat. The food was extravagant with a wide array of dishes to choose from. Everyone got excited especially Akane with her mouth-watering all over herself. As soon as all the food came in, everyone dug in!


Dialogue: (Everyone)


Byakuya: well if we are playing that game I call the beef wellington.

Fuyuhiko: I'm stealing some wellington before you eat it all you pig!

Sonia: The kabob tastes really good! I can eat this forever

Kazuichi: Miss. Sonia don't eat it all! you need to save some room for everything else

Peko: I really enjoy the cut meat we have, it would have been better if I cut it with my sword though, the cuts don't seem to be as clean as my sword's cuts

Mikan: Can we not talk about cuts right now? it's pretty vulgar

Hiyoko: Oh shush you skank! Peko doesn't mean it in THAT WAY

Mahiru: Hiyoko, that's very offensive...

Teruteru: Calm down ladies, you are only enjoying the appetizers, the main course is right here~

Ibuki: oh shut up Teruteru we are trying to eat

Nekomaru: Hey Gundham! Why are you still not eating any protein? You can't just eat protein forever you know?

Gundham: Because you mortals don't understand the true value of an animal's life! Drawing the line between pet and food like that. Such a disgrace. I'm perfectly fine with my beans and nuts as a source of protein thank you very much.

*Nagito comes walking in*

Nagito: hey did I miss something?

Hajime: hey Nagito we were just eating dinner come join in!

Chiaki: We saved a bit for you Nagito

Nagito: thank you so much! someone, like me doesn't deserve food from someone like you

Y/N: oh stop with your degrading just accept the gift

Nagito: o-oh! sorry, my love~ I MEAN Y/N

Y/N: Why do you keep correcting yourself I kind of like it when you call me "my love~"

Nagito: well, if you like it, I shall keep calling you that my love~


Chiaki: even I agree with that you resemble a couple from a dating sim

Y/N: oh shush rats I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed

Hajime: me too

Nagito: okay then let's just go to our cabins they are all nearby

Chiaki: what about a sleepover?

Y/N: oh heck yeah! at my place right after you're done eating

Nagito: okay then, it doesn't seem like I have a choice

"But I would die just to be there by your side. Oh, boy I'm going to have so much bad luck later my love~"

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