chapter seventeen.

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Author's Note:

Hello everyone! To start, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 500 READS!

I CAN'T BELIEVE WE HAVE EXPLODED TO 600 READERS ALREADY! This time I'll write from Nagito's perspective, and what good timing that is! To spice things up, this chapter introduces a new place and a couple of new activities! Wouldn't it be nice to make a new promise? Upon reaching 1000 readers, I will write about Hajime from his perspective.

Above the title, you will see a sneak peek at a danganronpa sketch I'm working on! It is quite obvious who it is, but I will let you make your wild guess. Please know that from the bottom of my heart, I love you so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)


Nagito's perspective:

As soon as I awoke in the morning, I found myself in a completely new environment, where I had no idea where I was. During what I assumed to be the lighting, there seemed to be all kinds of pink hues. The picture showed Usami eating strawberries on the floor, not that I was especially fascinated by it. The people in line with me were all asleep beside me as well. I noticed Y/N sleeping quietly beside me on the ground. If I can wake up every day to that amazing contentment they were expressing, I would love to. As I stretched in the little space there was to walk in, I noticed Gundham was already awake outside the room, exploring the area. As he explored, I became curious and joined in.

When I explored around the place, I noticed a room named "The final dead room." I got curious about what it was about but I decided to brush it off and decided to check out some other places. I also managed to find an elevator to what I assumed to be another floor and a staircase of what Gundham told me to be some hotel-like rooms in a variety of qualities. Some of them being high quality, few being standard quality and more being low quality. For more exploring, I decided to take the elevator nearby. There were 6 floors and since Gundham had already seen the top three floors, I decided to go to the third floor to see if there was anything new to see. When I reached the third floor, I noticed that there was green-lighting everywhere, with similar decor but in just a shade of a bright baby green. There was a resemblance in everything except when I went to the hall, I noticed everyone still sleeping there even though they can't move. There was also a picture of Usami eating a bunch of grapes instead of her eating a strawberry.

After a bit, people came flowing out of the room to be confused by where they were and Gundham and I had to explain all of our examinations. After we all presented our discoveries, a sheet of paper fell from the ceiling fan that slowly glided onto Y/N's foot. As they handed me the note, our fingers touched as we exchanged the paper. I wanted to keep their fingers for longer, but it would have been weird to do that in front of everyone else.

As I read the note...


Hi everyone,

This is a test to see how strong your hope has been built during this field trip!

You will all have to survive in this building and find a way to escape this room together with clues provided by me!

I won't be providing any further help for this test and please do well!



What the actual f**k are we suppost to do? Do we just find clues to escape from here? So basically just an escape room. There will probably be clues in the final dead room.

"Wait you fiend, there was also a note on the door of the final dead room you know? It is stated that it is notably challenging to escape the final dead room. As there is no food or water, we don't have very much time to stay here before we perish of dehydration." Gundham was very fast to declare that. It was a good warning before anyone went inside without thinking, especially Y/N. I would rather shoot myself in the kneecaps than let them be in a life-endangering scenario.

"As there are rooms provided for us, we shall organize who gets which room in the grape house and strawberry house! I say that Girls get the grape house and boys get the strawberry house!" Sonia declared in power.

"Okay, I don't see much of a problem with Sonia's proposal." Kazuichi sighed in agreement.

"I think that we should decide who gets each room through a game of rock paper scissors!" Hajime declared.

After each gender played rock paper scissors for a few minutes, thanks to my good luck, I got a deluxe room! But my mind was occupied by Y/N's distress at being given a crummy room. It would be unimaginable for me to have a nicer room than my god Y/N, so I graciously gave them my room. Despite their insistence that they could have the dirty room, I convinced them to take mine instead. Y/N living in despair would have been impossible for me to bear. Regardless of how great or small, their despair may be, I will protect them. I will always be by their side to fight despair with them because with my hope on my side, hope will always prevail!

As I headed to make customs to my room, I saw the keys to each room laid on the doorknob. I took the key to my crummy room and opened it. I was happy that Y/N wasn't sleeping in this room. I sure was lucky.

After I made my room a bit more comfortable, I walked outside of my room to the strawberry lounge. I noticed that there was a telephone that had a grape symbol instead of the standard phone numbering. Out of curiosity, I decided to put the phone to my ear and press the strawberry button. Shortly after, I heard a voice from Peko come from the other side of the line.

"Hello? Who's there?" Peko answered.

"Hi, it's Nagito, I just wanted to test the phone, thanks for answering, now I know that this is a phone that connects to the grape house!" I thanked

"Hm, this seems like a good solution for a case that we end up separated." Peko agreed.

After I ended the call with Peko, I decided to go back to my room and take a nap, Seems like the medicine still didn't wear off yet. Time to be with Y/N in my dreams,

just a little bit longer until it's reality.

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