chapter six.

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authors note:

hii, before I get on to the story, THANK YOU FOR 75 READS GODDAMN! That's 75 more reads than I expected to get for this series haha. but fr, ty for all the support you guys are giving me and let's hurry on to the sleepover with Hajime, Chiaki and the star Nagito! ik I haven't focused enough on the main love interest of the story but this chapter is more Nagito centric! I also recommend listening to the song above^^ it's my all-time favourite song (props to the ARMY out there!) and it definitely suits the vibe of this chapter. 


After you finished dinner, you headed to the supermarket to get some snacks and some other items for the sleepover. After you bought an array of snacks, some blankets, a radio and some board games, you headed back to your cabin to clean up some of your stuff until you already noticed Nagito there at your door. 

He was in utter shock when he saw you carry all of those supplies in your arms and insisted on helping you carry them inside. It turns out that he didn't want to eat much for dinner and headed to my cabin early for the sleepover.


Dialogue: (Nagito, Y/N)

N: this seems like a lot of stuff y/n, how were you able to afford all of this?

Y/N: I have my ways.

N: secretive I see, don't worry, a lowly person like me doesn't deserve to know about you my love

Y/N: a "lowly person" wouldn't be obligated to call me "my love" and we are equals! if you call yourself garbage you are calling me garbage too >:(

N: Okay, if you insist on that. Hm, when are Hajime and Chiaki coming? its been a while;

Y/N: if you feel awkward I can always give you something to play with

N: no, it's okay, I like it just being the two of us~

Y/N: yes I agree! the sunset is really beautiful and I love the gentle breeze. It just caresses you like an angel holds your face to kiss your forehead

N: I feel the same sensation, but it's from the caress of a different angel. Let me just say, they make me feel complete; Like I'm in eternal hope.

Y/N: okay that makes me curious about who that "angel" is. They must be amazing

N: Yes indeed. Yes, you are.


When he told you about this angel, your heart completely sunk, almost as in despair. the way he talked about this "angel" felt like a stab in the abdomen, no worse. Like pure torture. It hurts, but you can't just control his heart like that. But the thought that Nagito loved someone else was unbearable. But Nagito noticed how crushed you looked. But instead of saying anything he just blamed himself for everything. Luckily Hajime and Chiaki came in to save the mood.

"Hey, let's get this sleepover started!" Hajime cheered in delight. Luckily his smile is more than enough to save everyone from negativity


Dialogue: (Chiaki, Hajime, Nagito, Y/N)

C: Hey everyone, is the sleepover ready to go? 

Y/N: Yup! you can go inside

*you all go inside*

H: dang, you have a nice workspace! where are we gonna sleep tho? There's only one bed in each cabin and that can only fit two people

N: You didn't notice? The couch can extend to a bed that can fit 2 more people and there are 4 of us so we are good to go!

C: but there's another problem here, who is gonna sleep where? one of us has to sleep on Y/N's bed 

Y/N: funny to think we are gonna sleep in the first place haha! That's a future us problem now let's play some Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters, goddamn Fuyuhiko didn't let me play it before!

C: oh yea I already played that! It's a really good game, but you can only use it on the ps3 at the party house. how are we gonna play it?

Y/N: funny to think I didn't snatch it


After some time playing some video games and snacking for a while, you decided you were going to go to bed and get some sleep. You changed into a basic white tank top and some grey shorts.  Just before you were going to declare bedtime, Hajime suggested playing a game of truth or dare. This game was the one game that you absolutely despised playing. But Nagito seemed particularly excited.

"Everything is going as planned, don't worry longer my love, you are my angel."

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now