chapter nine.

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Author's note:

hi everyone, thank you for the wait! I changed my publishing schedule because now I officially have a summer break! And also, THANK YOU FOR 200 READS GODDAMN! you guys keep hitting a new anniversary every chapter sheesh! Anyways let's hurry up to the chapter I'm sure you guys are eager to read it :)


After lingering nearby the lounge for a while, you were really tired and were questioning what Nagito was doing. He was still fastened in the old hotel building but the squeals and screams stopped since you provided him with your wafer. Meddlesomeness was starting to annihilate you so you decided to take a little glance for a moment to observe what Nagito was up to. You noticed him still in his bondage with a bowl of rice and a cup of water in front of him. The grains of rice were dispersed all over the ground and all over his face as he was eating like a hound. His eyes all swelled up and his garments in cuts and tears. You couldn't bear the thought that he was treated like a stray and decided to get a few items and go inside to help him.

You decided to grab a bagel with cream cheese, a cup of coconut milk with the pulp meticulously dissected into heart shapes, just like how he presented them to you. You also packed a change of clothes, some sanitation commodities, a comb and a pillow with a duvet. As you headed inside with welfare in hand, you crept into the old building and gradually unlocked the door, making what could be the most blatant creak you ever heard. With a sickened Nagito within.

"oh my, is that really you Y/N? Why are you here with all that stuff, I'm not even worthy of those items or being in your presence." Nagito fussed.

"These items are your mortal right, and I said before we are equals, if I am really your world, you would abide by my requests and commands." You toyed around with him now being aware that he is essentially a yandere. Being able to know that means that you are now exposed to manipulation and he is as well.

"Now please eat, you look like you were undernourished. I am also going to lead you to the bathhouse after you eat. You reek." You commanded in a timbre that was impossible to say no to. Especially to Nagito.

"Okay, I shall abide by your orders master. I live to attend to you." Nagito giggled in a tone that exposed his teeth that seemed filed to appear as fangs.

The bondage with the blindfold and his laugh almost resembled what people in romance novels called "kinks." You blushed in a tone of Fuschia remembering a fanfiction novel about a victim falling in love with their kidnapper and the victim being a masochist, who loved being abused by their abductor. The victim resembled Nagito in every form.

As you observed Nagito about to consume in a canine fashion, you halted him and demanded that you feed him. You resented him seeming like a scamp. As you held the first bit of his bagel in your hand, lightly leading it into his lips, he savoured every particular nibble. Every bite, he appreciated it every time as the taste of your affection enveloped his tongue, him desiring it endlessly. With a sip of coconut milk in a straw, guiding the straw into Nagito's mouth, your fingers pecked his lips and he lit up in delight as he got to touch you. After he finished eating every bit on his plate. You proceeded to start brushing his hair and getting the tight tangles on his pink-tipped locks.

"May I touch your hair Nagito, your hair seems to be in urgent need of brushing. I promise I won't pull your hair." you requested in a quiet tone to not provoke him.

"Do anything you want with me my love~ I love everything you do. Even if it hurts me." Nagito acknowledged in a sense that he felt blessed, being caressed by an angel.

As every stroke hit his scalp, the tangles slowly started to disappear. You noticed his hair became significantly less fluffy and more attractive. You took care of his hair with some oils and put his hair in a small ponytail to protect it from more knots. After you perfected stylizing his hair, you lightly took off his blindfold to display him to the pictures of the world. The light of the sun hitting him, his eyes carrying a mellow glow of joy, being able to see the world after a few days.

"Okay, now we need for you to sneak out of this trap and into the bathhouse before nighttime." You requested.

As you were picking out the bonds of his subjugation and assisted him in standing up, a deafening creak appeared out of the opening...

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now