chapter thirteen.

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Author's note:

Hello, this is gonna be a short note since it's all about the song choice you and Nagito sang. I personally love this song, it's very comforting to me! It's actually a Tamil song that is very popular with the Bollywood community. Feel free to choose a different song if that one does not appeal to you! Thank you so much for reading this chapter.


As he just requested to sing in karaoke with you, you were left in utter shock. You admired how bold he was to ask you to sing a duet and you had to say yes to his fine proposal. 

"Yes, I would love to sing a duet with you tonight! What song shall we sing together?" You answered in an enthusiastic voice that made Nagito's heart fill up with swarming butterflies.

"Hm, actually I already had a song in mind for what we shall sing together, it's in Tamil actually so I hope you don't mind." Nagito requested.

"Of course I don't mind, I read books in many languages so I'm very familiar with Tamil words and pronunciations!" You exclaimed.

"I mean, you are the ultimate reader, after all, it makes sense to know more than one language. The song is titled "Hosanna" and I love the meaning of this song, it brings warmth to my heart~"

"May I ask what the song is about Nagito?" You questioned in curiosity.

"The song is actually about a boy that is in love with this beautiful girl but the girl actually doesn't like the boy at all. The boy totally ignores that fact and devotes his entire life to her no matter what happens to him and even if she breaks his heart, he will still give another one to break, as quoted in the song. Don't you think that's beautiful? Unrequited love, that the boy is delusional too? It's definitely one of my favorite romance stories." Nagito exclaimed in passion as he was rambling about romance movies.

"Hm, I love that kind of devotion! I would definitely be very happy to sing that with you Nagito! it would be my pleasure!" You cheered.

"Thank you so much Y/N, what did I ever do to deserve this opportunity. The ultimate reader brimming with hope get's to sing along with garbage like me? I'm probably going to mess up your-" Nagito being cut off.


Nagito being terrified of your rage ran away as fast as he could from you. You realized immediately that you pretty much terrified him and you felt an infinite amount of guilt for scaring him like that. especially from a person who looks up to you. You felt you couldn't be in his presence and decided to head to your cottage until the karaoke party started.

~*time skip to before the party*~

It was an hour before the party, so you decided to get ready to go to the party. After you took a shower and did your skincare, you couldn't decide what to wear to the party. While you were thinking empty thoughts, you heard a knock on the wooden door. As you opened the door, you noticed Sonia and Gundham at the door waiting for you.


Dialogue: (Sonia, Gundham, Y/N)

S: Hi Y/N, it seems like you are not exactly ready for the party, did Ibuki tell you?

Y/N: yeah Ibuki invited me but I can't decide what to wear? Can you two help me decide?

G: Of course! I as the dark overlord shall give you the privilege of giving you advice in fashion!

S: hmm, you have quite a wide array of clothes to choose from so this shall be interesting!

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