chapter fifteen.

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Author's note:

Greetings to all! Make sure you don't miss this chapter, as it's very important for the story. You can read this story without being bothered by a trigger, so don't worry. Check out the drawing of Hajime I made based on this chapter! Isn't it cute? Check it out tmrw on thefandomgod as I'll be posting it there! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I love you <3


"Okay now that the quick intermission is over everyone, Let's get on the last few performers! We still have Nagito, Hajime, Chiaki and Y/N. Let's spin the wheel!"

When the wheel was spinning, you got agitated in excitement over who was going to go next, by coincidence, Nagito's picture landed on the wheel.

"This is lucky or not? because the ultimate lucky student is going to perform "Hosanna" by A.R Rahman! Y/N has been requested to sing a duet with him, so please come over! We are all so excited to see what you two can do!"

As soon as the music started, Nagito felt a breeze of euphoria flow in him as he always dreamed of singing in you. As he sang his first verse, every word felt so genuine it was astronomical. As the ultimate reader, I could easily tell where fake and authentic voices are coming from, and Nagito's voice felt authentic to the core. It was almost as if you believed what he said because of his excellent singing. As you recall, Nagito told you about the exact lyric earlier

"Even if you break my heart, I will give you another one to break~"

As you sang the chorus, Nagito came up to you and tried to hold your hand, but he miserably failed. You decided to poke his backside as a way to embarrass him and on a whim, you just pecked the back of his hand like a prince does to his princess. Oh, the way he turned into a peach was indescribable. As soon as you kissed his hand, Nagito had a moment of pure bliss and almost panicked when his part was played. But the more motivation he had to sing, the more passionate he became.

Everybody wanna know be like be like
I really wanna be here with you...
Is that enough to say that
We are made for each other is all that is *Hosanna* true

Hosanna... be there when you are calling I will be there...
Hosanna... be the life the whole life I share...
I never wanna be the same...
It's time we rearrange I take a step
You take a step and me calling out to you...

It was the first time you had ever felt so admired like the main character in a fairytale. You were fighting back tears as this was the first time you felt so admired. You were attention-starved a lot so you resorted to reading stories as a coping method; however, this time, you felt that you were actually there. The feeling was amazing, there is no doubt about that. In a flash, the song was finished.

"Woah! Sure loved that song you two! You kinda need to get a room not gonna lie, but jokes aside, we only have Hajime and Chiaki left to present! Let's see who's it gonna be?!"

As the wheel was spinning, the clatters from every point, the wheel landed on Hajime Hinata, as he saw the wheel land on him, he walked to the stage with utter class, blowing you away. 

"Hey what do you know? The mysterious Hajime Hinata is going to be performing "Hopelessly Devoted to you" from the musical "Grease" and he also told me to read out this message he has written out for someone special, someone that he loves!  Ooh, he sure is ballsy, Let's see what he has to say to that person!"

"Hi, this is Hajime Hinata, your friend! I chose this song because of my devotion to you. But I know that there is someone you probably like here and I hope it's me! I see the way you have read your books, the bright smile you had when we would do activities together it just made my day! Sorry that I don't have the guts to tell you directly but I hope you can get through and know that this is for you! sincerely, Hajime Hinata!"

"Wowee, that sure was a well-written note! Anyways, let's give Hajime the spotlight to say his message to the lucky one!"

As he clutched the microphone, he felt a shiver up his spine, in nervousness. The music started with a slow jazz resonance, relaxing everyone in the audience.

Guess mine is not the first heartbroken, my eyes are not the first to cry. I'm not the first to know there's just no getting over you. I know I'm just a fool who's willing, to sit around and wait for you. But baby, can't you see, there's nothing else for me to do?

I'm hopelessly devoted to you.

As he sang his first verse. You just relished him from afar. How handsome he was with a pearl white button-up shirt and pitch-black formal pants, with a few buttons undone just enough to reveal his chest. So simple yet so breathtaking.  

But now, there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you~

While he was singing the chorus, he could not help but stare at you the whole time, and you couldn't help but stare back at him. In the bright limelight, his sage green iris shone simultaneously with yours. As you listened to his song, you couldn't help but think it was for you. However, it was almost too unbelievable. Every aspect of him was enchanting. With his sage green hair and eyes, and his charming smile that made your heart swell, you didn't want to admit how you felt, but you did. A spell was cast on you by him. 

The moment you loved Hajime's voice, Nagito was in a state of rage because he knew Hajime had sung this for you. Despite the desire to kill him, that came from beneath him, he had to control it as he knew you would never want to be around him if he acted on his urges.

When Hajime finished singing his song, he discreetly threw a piece of paper at you and left the stage with a smile of relief. You got curious about the folded-up paper so you decided to unfold the slip to see its message. What you saw left you astonished. 

I'm hopelessly devoted to you.                                                                                                                                         -H.H <3

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