chapter twelve.

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Author's note:

hi everyone, I'm back with a new part! A really fun part is coming shortly and I'm sure you are going to be fired up once you finish reading this chapter! How do we get so many reads so fast!? We are already at 360 reads sheesh! We are back at your pov and no more Nagito pov (unless we get 500 reads?) Anyways, enjoy this chapter :)


As you awoke from your deep slumber, you felt considerably invigorated and ready to face the day with pride! As you got ready in some baggy ripped jeans and a striped t-shirt, you were looking for your perfume and noticed it was no longer on your dressing table. You queried where it went but chose to not worry about it too much since it was an inferior one from the RocketPunch market. Once you looked at the time, you realized you were late for breakfast time! You scampered as fast as you could to not miss out on the scrumptious food you looked forward to every day.

After you entered the restaurant, you saw that nobody was there except for Ibuki, who was striking her electric guitar. A plate with your favourite foods had a name tag that was written in cursive with your name on it.

Ibuki, who saved this plate for me? whoever did this must be super nice!" You called out in delight to Ibuki.

"That pesky Nagito saved the food for you. He kept raving on about how amazing you were, so he ended up giving you his whole plate when you could have just eaten the leftover croissants." Ibuki responded as she warmed up her guitar.

"I mean, it's Nagito, what do you really expect from him? he's been treating me like a god figure lately, not complaining though haha!" you humoured and giggled in laughter.

When you finally finished your splendid meal, you noticed a handwritten note beneath the plate with impressive writing that even impressed you, the ultimate reader. Nagito apparently sent it himself. The note you read...


My Dearest Love,

Hi, I noticed you were late for today's breakfast. It sure was lovely today. I am leaving my plate for you to savour this delicious feast that was made by Teruteru Hanamura. Your needs are far more important than mine so don't worry about me, my love. I live to serve you.

Before lunch, I would like to meet up on the beach to discuss today's party!

May today be filled with hope and success in all that you do. 

I hope and love you,

-Nagito Komaeda


"Ibuki, are you aware of this "party" that's going on?" you kindly inquired.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! Tonight we'll be having a karaoke party! We'll have tons of party snacks like chips and candy and we'll sing lots, so please come as well! It's going to be at the music venue at island 3!" Ibuki cheered in pride hoping that you would accept her request.

You responded with joy, "Of course I will come to your party Ibuki! There is no reason not to come, and it sounds fun! I'll come as soon as I can!"

Ibuki shouted, "Yay! Good nom nom nomming!" Her catchphrase can make anyone smile in glee.

Having eaten breakfast, you decided to find something occupying to pass the time and saw Hajime sitting on the beach wearing swimming trunks by himself. Your attention was drawn to the shimmer of his pale skin. On a hot summer day, it glowed like a bright flower. The beauty of his face drew your attention, but you stopped yourself when you realized you had stared at him for a minute. Upon waking up from his delirium, you decided to start a conversation with him.


Dialogue: (Hajime, Akane, Y/N)

Y/N: Hey Hajime!

H: Good morning Y/N! I was wondering where you were?!

Y/N: Wait you were actually worrying about me?

H: of course I would worry for one of my best friends!

Y/N: wanna' dip in the pool?

H: OH HECK YEAH! Wait you need to go change first though

Y/N: okay fine >:c

* You change into the swimwear of your choice*

Y/N: okay I'm ready!

H: o-okay you look great by the way heh!

Y/N: why are you stuttering? get in the pool already it's great!

H: it's nothing just thought you look beautiful!

Y/N: aww thanks! 

A: hey! lemme join in too! CANNONBALL!


A: sorry not sorry suckers!


*You rushed to get the bowl nearby the pool*

Y/N: haha I got the bowl!

A: doesn't matter cuz I'm still gonna get you wetter!

H: let's see you try!


~*time skip*~

After the fun in the pool, you were all tuckered out and decided that you'd done enough swimming for the day. After you dried yourself and put on a change of new clothes and stayed in your cottage for a bit thinking about the karaoke party that will be happening later on, but you realized that you needed to meet up with Nagito at the beach.

When you ran to the beach puffing your chest out of breath, you saw Nagito waving at you with the dazzling grin you fell in love with on the very first day of school.

"Hello Y/N, did you hear about the karaoke party that Ibuki is hosting this evening at the music venue? Seems pretty sick huh?" Nagito asked casually.

"Yeah, I heard because Ibuki already told me when I was eating my breakfast you gave me. What did you want to ask me Nagito? We don't have any problems at the moment?" You asked.

"Oh, it's not that Y/N, I sincerely apologize for that though, I honestly thought you would never want to stay with me anymore. the thought of that would just shatter me you know? I just wanted to ask you, it took quite a lot of courage for me to ask you this selfish request, but, do you want to sing with me at the party? It would be the honour of my life to participate in singing with you my love~"

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now