chapter twenty-five.

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Author's note:

Hi everyone, I'm back with a new chapter. This chapter is a trip to Okinawa and I made sure to do plenty of research on it. If there are any mistakes in the culture, please correct me. if I do make any mistakes, I dearly apologize. Above, there's a drawing of Toko I made for fun yesterday. I will also be posting it on my Tiktok today! Check my bio to see my TikTok and my Instagram. Anyways, let's go on with this chapter I very much enjoyed writing!


After your very long flight with Nagito, you arrived at the Naha airport of Okinawa. Okinawa is a small array of islands particularly close to Japan. As you escorted yourself out of the plane, the first thing you and Nagito did after security is going out to a local diner.

"Y/N, isn't this amazing? We're in Okinawa!" Nagito cheered.

"We're in Okinawa?!" You froze in shock.

"No need to be scared, it is just for a day. Let us go get Okinawa soba! I heard it has its fair share of delectable dishes worthy of my highness."

You just agreed with Nagito, going along with his extensive plan. You were led to a small eatery with the name "Hanamura diner." You got curious, recognizing this name from somewhere but decided to bluff it off. When you entered the restaurant, you noticed Teruteru cooking a variety of Okinawan vegetables.

"Teruteru? What are you doing here?!" You waved with a grin on your face.

"Oh, why hello here Y/N and Nagito. Did you travel all the way here to my Okinawa location? How kind of you. I'll whip up some food for the both of you as soon as possible!" Teruteru rushed back to his habitat to indulge in his work.

"I never knew Teruteru had an Okinawa location! Did you know about this place, Nagito?" You seated yourself at a table for two by a windowsill.

"Of course I did. Nothing I ever do is unintended, my beloved. I notice how much you admire Teruteru's cooking, so I took you to a place where you can eat to your heart's content. I'm sure hungry as well. Is there anything you would like Y/N?"

"I want to try the Okinawan Soba! The warmth of Soba is what I can sure use right now after a flight." You suggested.

"I'll go order a dish of Yakuniku as well for me. I'm going to give the order to the waiter, okay?" Nagito informed.

You waited patiently for the meal to wait with Nagito. As he was just looking outside the window, you couldn't help but admire his ethereal beauty. He finally started taking care of his hair, his gentle pink tips being brushed over by his fingers as the bright sun caressed his pale skin, glimmering with his olive drab eyes. You were staring at him, but Nagito caught onto it pretty quickly. However, he liked it when you were staring at him, so he looked away, pretending he never noticed.

Is Y/N admiring me?! Why are they looking at someone as sickening as me? Am I even deserving of being with you right now? It is probably just a dream, but this can't be. All I want to do is just look at Y/N's face for eternity, but it would be awkward to just stare at each other the whole time. I better engage in conversation!

"What are you looking at, Y/N? I must be pretty cute right now, right?" Nagito teased you as he let out a light giggle.

"W-what? Okay, fine. I was glaring at you. But you can't blame me! Aren't we on a date? Why would I be on a date with someone I don't admire?" You defended your statement.

"Haha, it was just cute, that's all. Our food is coming!" Nagito dismissed his compliment to you as he saw the plates of food arrive.

"Do you want to split up our plates, Nagito? I want to try both!" You requested Nagito.

"Sure, I was also planning to ask. Have some of the Soba first while the pork is cooking."

You got another bowl and poured half of the Soba in the other bowl for you and Nagito to share. You picked up the noodles and gently blew on them. When you took the first bite of the Soba, you relished the variety of flavours in the broth and the subtle hint of the buckwheat. Your eyes glimmered as you experienced the umami of the dish.

"It sure is good, huh? The Yakuniku is ready now! Take a bite." Nagito reminded.

You took a mouthful of the tender pork, and to your surprise, Nagito cooked it to absolute perfection. You chewed the meat with a smile on your face. Nagito couldn't help but let out a big smile.

You and Nagito ate the meat and the Soba together and conversed in joy as you enjoyed a wonderful lunch with someone as sweet as Nagito. After you finished your meal, you wiped your face and smiled at Nagito.

"That sure was good. Thank you for treating me to this. Are there any more plans you have up your sleeves?" You thanked Nagito for his act of kindness.

"I have a few more plans for you, Y/N. But we need to get to the dessert first!" Nagito surprised you.

"Wait, we are having dessert? What kind of dessert is it, Nagito? I hope we're eating cake!" You questioned in enthusiasm.

"Oh, my apologies Y/n. We aren't having cake today, we are in Okinawa after all. I picked to have beniimo tarts. It's a local sweet derived from the famous beniimo with many health benefits. I'll treat you to cake next time, okay?"

"Aw, it's okay, we can have cake anytime, so it makes sense. I'm excited to try it! I heard about it in information books but, I never got the chance to see what it tastes like."

"Of course, thank my luck for picking Okinawa. It seems that you are quite well informed about Okinawa. I don't expect any less from the ultimate reader after all." Nagito complimented your talent yet again. It was no surprise that your talent was admired and respected by him.

A little bit after, the mauve tarts arrived at your table. You noticed the stunning hue of the filling you got visibly intrigued by it.

"Woah, the filling sure is a pretty colour, I almost don't want to eat it!" You complimented.

You took a bite of it and savoured the light sweetness of the filling and the crispiness of the crust, enveloping your tongue in a balanced flavour profile. You ate it in a flash and Nagito noticed how much you enjoyed his choice of food.

Seems like I picked a good choice this time.

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