chapter eighteen.

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Author's note:

Hi! I'm extremely sorry for the delay, I couldn't have time to write this chapter due to religious reasons, but I'm writing this at 1 in the morning for you. Special shoutout to @kaedeomg for blowing up my notifs appreciate it lol! There isn't much else to say so enjoy this chapter! :)


Having explored your luxury room for a while, you decided to explore the floors and see what other clues you could find. Neither food nor water seemed to be available, making you concerned. When you saw Byakuya nearby, you decided to speak to him first since he considers himself class leader.


Dialogue: (Byakuya, Y/N)

Y/N: Hey Byakuya! Got a few seconds?

B: What is it that you need to say? Make it snappy.

Y/N: From what I have observed, there seems to be no food or water source anywhere.

B: You think I haven't discovered that yet Y/N?

Y/N: More importantly, why didn't you bother to tell everyone that?

B: As far as I am concerned, it isn't important information for you to know. I believe that everyone will escape before we get hungry. Our ability to pass this test depends on our belief in each other. Y/N, don't forget that this is a test of hope after all.

Yes, of course! It will take a team effort to escape from here if we want to pass this test! Would it be okay if we checked the last dead room to see what is inside?

B: I wouldn't recommend you going inside. If anything happens to you, Nagito will go insane. You didn't overlook the fact that he is willing to kill for you after all, right?

Y/N: Very true, I'm yearning to go in there but I guess we should wait until we find more clues.


Byakuya finished talking with you, so you went to the elevator to see what other floors are available. You realized that you haven't explored the sixth floor yet, so you pressed the sixth button and headed to the 6th floor. The sound of the elevator was extremely quiet, but you were still able to hear the sounds of clattering without difficulties. When you made it to the sixth floor, you noticed Peko standing on her sword, resembling a ninja. You were curious over how she was able to perfectly balance herself on a very slim sword, but you realized it probably came from experience working for the Kuzuryuu clan and her having her sword her entire lifetime.

She was obviously doing something interesting at the time, so you decided to go see what she was doing.


Dialogue: (Peko, Y/N)

Y/N: Hey Peko! What the heck are you doing on your sword? Are you trying to reach something? A clue perhaps?

P: Yes indeed Y/N. I have found a trap door on the ceiling of the top floor. From my logic, it should be an exit out of this tower onto the rooftop. Sadly, the door is locked and it needs a key to be unlocked.

Y/N: The key has to be in the final dead room! Where else would it be?!

P: very true, an intuitive answer indeed. The note that Usami left says that the final dead room is very dangerous. I don't know who shall go inside.

Y/N: I mean, it's Usami! She's our teacher, she can't physically hurt us. It's in the handbook after all.

P: Very true, but we need to inspect all of the places before we can decide it's in the final dead room.

Y/N: okay, I'll go tell everyone else about your discovery!

P: Yes, thank you. I was going to request you to do that for me but I haven't done anything for you yet.

Y/N: aw come one, aren't we friends? Friends do things for each other no matter what!

P: f-friends? Hmm, interesting. Thank you, my friend.

Y/N: of course!


After learning about Peko's discovery, you immediately ran to the nearest telephone to inform the grape house about what happened. As soon as you pressed the grape button, someone came to answer your call of need. From the voice, you knew it was Kazuichi.

"Hey! who's calling?" Kazuichi answered

"Hey, it's Y/N! Peko just found out that there is a trap door on the sixth floor's ceiling! Peko is also speculating that it can be a way of escaping! You need to tell everyone in the grape house ASAP!" You yelped out in excitement.

"WHAT?! Okay, I'm gonna tell everyone to have a meeting on the sixth floor to see what Peko found! Maybe, I can create a copy of the key and we can get outta here!" Kazuichi enthusiastically yelled.

After you ended the call with Kazuichi, you ran back to Peko, informing her about the meeting everyone is going to have about the trap door. As soon as everyone arrived, Peko explained to everyone how the trapped door can be accessed and how she theorized that this is the way of escape. As soon as Peko finished explaining, Kazuichi pulled out a portable step ladder to inspect the door's key lock.

"Woah! this key is sure going to be hard to replicate! I don't even know if we have the materials needed to copy a key!" Kazuichi sighed

"Then why did you get my hopes up Kazuichi? I thought you could be the MVP here." You replied in a frustrated tone.

"Why don't we check out the final dead room? It's the most suspicious room here and there seem to be no other clues around. I can volunteer to go inside! I just wish to bring hope to all of you." Nagito jumped out which shocked everyone.

"I say that you can go to the final dead room, but please have Chiaki, Hajime and Y/N watch you as well. It is definitely not an ideal situation to stay in a room alone and I am suspecting that this is a puzzle room. The more brains, the faster this room can be escaped." Byakuya advised.

"Okay boss," Nagito replied.

"Well, what are we all waiting for? let's all go inside and beat this!" Hajime cheered.

"Hell yeah! Let's finish this puzzle and get out of here!"

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now