chapter twenty-two.

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You woke up from a fresh slumber, it's been a few days and you still haven't seen Hajime anywhere. You started getting concerned, as he never responded to any of your texts, so you decided to look around for anybody who may know where he is. When you were walking in the hall, you ran into Yasuhiro and another upperclassman you saw in the introduction.

"Hey, did you guys see Hajime Hinata anywhere? We met in that introduction a few days ago, remember?" You greeted.

"Good morning Y/N, great to see ya! But I never saw that straggler anywhere. Hey Yasuhiro, can you predict where Hajime is?" The red hair boy conversed.

"Oh yeah Leon, but my accuracy rate is only about 30% so don't be mad If I'm wrong!" Yasuhiro warned.

The red-haired boy seemed to go by the name "Leon" and he dressed in baseball attire. As soon as you connected all the pieces, you realized that he was Leon Kuwata, the famous baseball player. 

The clairvoyant clutched a crystal ball and red satin cloth out of his pouch and started gazing into his crystal intricately and doing some of what you assumed to be breathing exercises. When he finished his exercise, he exhibited a seize of confidence and pleasure, even for a clairvoyant.

"From my crystal ball, he appears to be trapped in a closet somewhere. The energy feels that it is somewhere secretive and it has a connection to luck. It must be something to do with Makoto, He's the ultimate lucky student after all!" Yasuhiro chanted.

"But Makoto isn't the only one who has the alias "ultimate lucky student." There's also a friend of mine named Nagito, who's also the ultimate lucky student. I think we should also assume him because he is Hajime's best friend and he's kind of obsessed with me."

"Oof, definitely a red flag Y/N. Anyways you should ask Makoto or Nagito about it. Makoto and Kyoko do go to this secret place to probably f**k or something, but it's something even I'm still curious about." Leon replied.

"Okay, I will do that, after school though because school is starting in a few minutes." You concluded. 

As you got to your assigned seat, Nagito got up beside you, occupying Hajime's desk.

"Whatcha doing here little shortie?" Nagito chuckled.

"Where did you learn shortie from? I preferred the classier pet names, to be honest. Hajime still isn't here do you know what happened to him?" You questioned.

"Oh, he just got an allergy, that's all. I'm sure he will get better sometime soon. I heard that he's getting better now." Nagito chatted.

You questioned Yasuhiro's prediction but decided to ignore your anxiety because he only has a 30% accuracy rate anyway. And Hajime being sick seems much more realistic than being trapped in a secret closet.

~*time skip*~

A boring day of school was done yet again. You were excited about tomorrow since it's going to be Friday. You decided to brush off Yasuhiro's prediction and headed to an after-school club you recently joined, the literature club. Hifumi was really persistent on having new members for his club and you being a very great aficionado of his writing, you couldn't turn down his offer.

 As you headed for the literature club on the third floor, you needed to go to the washroom and headed to the washroom nearby the literature club. After you finished going to the bathroom, you noticed the mop fell so you put it back until you found this contraption-like door. Out of curiosity, you entered the manhole to find this empty room with files scattered all over the floor with a closet in the center. Seeing the files, you saw the files of the headmaster named Jin Kirigiri, resembling Kyoko's last name. It made sense that Kyoko would be here since you assumed that she is the headmaster's daughter. But you were curious about the closet since you heard Yasuhiro saying Hajime was in an unknown closet.

 When you were about to open the closet door, you heard a voice coming out of the other side, sounding like Hajime.

"Hello? is anyone there? Help me!" Hajime screamed despair.

"Hey, Hajime! Is that you? Seems like Yasuhiro was right after all haha" you giggled to yourself.

"What do you mean?" Hajime questioned.

"Nevermind, I'll give you context later let's just get you out." You denied.

"As you yanked the closet door opened, Hajime crawled out of the closet in exhaustion. 

"What the heck happened Hajime?" You questioned.

"Well, all I remember was that I and Nagito were talking in the washroom, then Nagito was rambling about how jealous he was, then he just shot something into me and now I'm here. By the way, how long has it been?" Hajime explained.

"It's been 3 days, and we need to infiltrate Nagito on this, it's not ethical nor safe at all. Report this to the headmaster, or you can just report it to the headmaster's daughter, Kyoko." You demanded.

As you took Hajime out of the washroom, you took him to your dorm and laid him down by the couch. You gave him some leftover kusamochi and orange juice you ordered from the cafe. You were aware that it was his favourite food so you served it on a little plate for him.

"Hey, you need to eat up. You haven't eaten or drank for 3 days, right? I got your favourites right here." You served.

"Geez, thank you so much Y/N. I'm starving!" Hajime thanked.

As Hajime quickly feasted on all his food, he felt recharged and ready to go back to his dorm.

"Okay, I don't want to keep bothering you. You need to do your homework Y/N. Let me know if you need help with anything, okay?" Hajime waved goodbye to you. 

"I will Hajime! After I do my homework, I will give justice to you and find out who did this to you!" You cheered.

After Hajime left, you went back to the literature club being a bit more than an hour late. You told them that you had a meeting with your teacher as an excuse. After you finished the meeting with the literature club, you finished your homework and went to bed, preparing yourself for what's going to happen on Friday...

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