chapter eight.

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Author's note:

hi, I wanted to say, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 150 READS!!!!! I'm so ecstatic to see that many people have taken the time out of their day to read my story! your reads and votes are what motivate me to keep writing these chapters :)

For now, the story is going to have more of a formal atmosphere due to what happened in the last chapter, but I promise after a few more chapters, you will have fun, lighthearted conversations again. Ik quite a lot of people that liked those!

I also apologize for publishing this chapter late but once my summer break starts, I will start writing much more often and you will get more chapters!


It was the morning after the fiasco that happened to Nagito and your memories were hazy but you remembered everything about Nagito perfectly. His infatuated eyes went into circles when he was around you, his maniac laugh and touching himself in joy. You were almost thankful he didn't lick cream off of you. You looked around for Hajime and assumed he already went for breakfast so you just got ready.

After you got ready in a red t-shirt and some brown khaki shorts with basic slides, you headed to the restaurant with a more amazing aroma than yesterday's breakfast.

As you walked into the room, you noticed that everyone except Fuyuhiko and Nagito was there. Fuyuhiko was always late anyway so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary but Nagito wasn't there. As soon as you finished processing your thoughts, Gundham shocked you with a question you didn't know how to answer.

"Y/N, where is Nagito held? my god-like senses don't sense him anywhere nearby and I thought you as his mortal friend would know where he is." Gundham questioned in a royal tone.

" I don't know where he is at all Gundham. I haven't seen him since last night." You sighed in disappointment.

"Puhuhu we are going to need a storytime Y/N! I did hear a scream and some loud giggles last night!" Ibuki teased you in how she assumed the scenario.

"No, it's actually a very long story! To sum up, while Chiaki, Hajime, Nagito and I were playing truth or dare, Nagito got a dare to lick cream off of someone randomly and I ended up being the randomly selected. After I was selected, Nagito just went into a burst of maniac laughter about some... personal things and Hajime and I just fled somewhere else and I just slept at Hajime's place." You justified in a painful tone.

"Speaking of Nagito being gone, he's actually tied up in the old hotel house for everyone's safety. He said that he is willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his and Y/N's imaginary love story. I recommend that you stay away from the old hotel building and refrain from talking to Nagito, please. He is still in a fragile state and he might put yourself in danger." Chiaki exclaimed.

"Why didn't you say that in the first place Chiaki? we could have wasted much less time if you just said that earlier." Byakuya scolded

"Sorry, was too busy playing my game." Chiaki justified.

"Anyways, as Chiaki mentioned, we should refrain from visiting Nagito, especially you Y/N. You are one at most risk of seeing him according to Chiaki's claim. I, as class leader, will take the risk of delivering necessities to Nagito throughout the day. He may be insane, but he is still human who is deserving of life." Byakuya shouted in a presidential tone.

After breakfast, you decided for curiosity to not get the best of you and decided to go to Jabberwock park to read a book you bought in the RocketPunch mart. Byakuya noticed you reading and he was intrigued by your book.

"May I have this after you are done reading it Y/N? I am deprived of reading material and I am interested in it. What is it called?"

"oh, it's just a book on the cases of Genocide Jack. From the cases, it seems like there is a possibility that the killer is a student and has a dissociative identity disorder. There's a conspiracy theory that Genocide Jack is actually our upper classman named Toko Fukawa." You beamed as someone knew what you were interested in.

"Hm, I wouldn't want to believe in that theory as there is no solid evidence and I personally admire Toko Fukawa as a writer." Byakuya in an attempt to convince you.

After spending some time with Byakuya talking about the Genocide Jack dilemma, you decided to go back to your cabin to put your book away and open a can of soda. As you were walking with your soda in hand, you heard a scream coming from the old hotel building saying what seemed to be your name; and the voice sounded like Nagito crying. You felt almost in sorrow as he was crying for you but you knew what he could do to you if you were near him. You decided to peek through a window to see what condition he was in. You saw Nagito in tight bondage on his arms and legs, unable to move and in an uncomfortable position. You felt bad for him so you decided to drop a cookie through the little hole in the window, hoping it would somewhat cheer him up. You immediately ran away after you dropped the cookie in fear of being caught.

"hmm, who dropped this in here, imagine if it was Y/N? it's possible since they are practically a saint but I'm not nearly worthy of a cookie given by Y/N. But if it is you, I shall take it and enjoy every bite of it, my love. The way it has left the smell of your favourite khaki pants on the wrapper. ah, what can I possibly do for you, my love? i am your servant and I am here to serve, my master~"

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