chapter nineteen.

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As you entered the final dead room, you were curious about how "deadly" the room could be. But since it was a room made by Usami, you assumed it wouldn't be much. As you looked around you, there seemed to be a lot of blood splatter everywhere with numbers written with the blood on the walls. Not only were there written numbers on the wall, but there were also coordinates facing what you assumed to be north, as that symbol is very traditional on maps. 

"Hey look, there's a locker with a four-numbered combination. Maybe, if we open it up, we can gain something that can help us escape." Chiaki claimed.

"There are already numbers exposed on every wall, except one. Maybe we should look around the area and check for another one!" Hajime demanded.

As you and the others were searching the wall for a clue, you found the number five inscribed in blood in the closet. There was also a hanger on the clothing rack so you determined to take it just in case you ever needed it.

"Hey, guys! I found the number five written in the closet. I also found a metal hanger we can use for later. I have a feeling we'll need it." You chanted.

"Oh wow, how amazing! You found the last number! I knew you could do it, my love!" Nagito smiled with glee.

"Now all we need to do is punch those numbers onto the locker and we can open it up!" Hajime laughed. 

"But we can't proceed if we don't know the exact order of the numbers, we would need to try 24 different combinations to guess the exact one Hajime." Chiaki sighed.

"Hold up, we can use the the northern indicator etched on the ground to know the order of numbers. The indicator always points to north so where 3 is has to be the northern wall." You explained.

"Now we reduced our options from 24 to 4 combinations assuming we go in a circular order, but it's just a hunch." Chiaki muttered.

"Don't worry Chiaki, you hunch is perfectly correct, as shown above the safe. There's a popular riddle on top saying "Watch the NEWS." News is supposted to mean the direction we go to find the number order." Nagito assured.

"So NEWS should mean north, east, south, west! Right?" Hajime asked.

"Correct Hajime! Your talent seems to be working well!" Nagito congratulated. 

"So we just need to put in 3, 9, 5 7. Hm that seems right! Let's put it in!" You enlivened.

As you put the four numbered combination onto the safe, the safe door slid open like butter. Inside, you found a camera and a small USB stick. 

"What the hell can these be used for? The camera even seems dead, bummer." You commented.

"Maybe we can get the batteries from that monokuma plushie over there, maybe." Chiaki murmured as usual.

"Maybe we should find something to rip it with, there's probably something to rip it somewhere around here."

As everyone was looking around, Nagito was trying to reach for something under the bed. Out of interest, you came up to him to see what he found.

"Hey Nagito, what are you reaching for? Did you find something that might be useful?" You asked.

"Yes my hope, I have found what seems to be a key beneath the bed, but I can't reach it. May I selfishly ask you to help me claim it?" Nagito politely requested.

You extended your arm as far as you could, but haven't managed to reach the key at all. Until you came up with an idea. You took apart the clothing hanger and shaped it into a hook. When you tried reaching for the key with the  hook, grabbing it became a breeze. Soon after, You retrieved the key and handed it to Nagito.

"Wow, even I couldn't think of using the hanger, I don't even deserve to be in your presence Y/N. Now shall we find out where the key's lock lies?" Nagito degraded with class, making you skip a beat.

"Hey everyone! I found a drawer with a key lock, there has to be something we can use inside, Maybe." You got a little frustrated that Chiaki always seemed to question herself, but you brushed it off as she found what lock the key could be used for.

"Hey, Nagito found a key under the bed! Maybe we can use it to unlock that drawer you found." You replied. 

"Please, I'm not even worthy of your praise Y/N. And besides, I couldn't even get it without your help." Nagito protested.

"Aw come on, didn't I say we are equals? We are all worthy of praise." You smiled.

Why, why does Y/N treat me with so much kindness? I'm not worth anything yet they keep dowsing me with all this euphoria. The way that they smiled just now, it was more than enough to blow me away with bliss. God, what did I do to deserve them in my life?

You opened up the drawer with the key you insisted Nagito had found, and all there was inside were a pair of scissors sharp enough to cut your finger with a prick.

"There's a pair of scissors! There should be some batteries inside the monokuma plushie we can use." You concurred.

When you cut open the monokuma plushie, you found some batteries that worked perfectly with the camera. When you turned on the camera, the camera role showed a picture of the solar system. It seemed quite odd so you stuck the USB stick in the laptop by the northeastern corner to see what the USB contained.

When you opened the file of the USB, You noticed this file had to be opened with a seven lettered password. You figured the password had to be with the image you found in the camera role. 

"Hmm, what could the password be? From all the information we have left, it has to do with the solar system picture we found in the camera." You explained.

"It's probably just the planet letters in order, I know that there's eight planets and a sun in the solar system and it might be wrong but let's try anyways." Hajime replied.

You decided to stick with the sun and the first 6 planets as the password assuming that someone would obviously leave the last two planets out if it were a seven lettered password. 

When you typed the letters on the computer, to your surprise, it actually worked out. Inside the USB file, you found a grid with lights at the exiting door's lock. You figured that the grid had to do with the password to the exit door.

As everyone watched the blinking lights in attempt to find something, Chiaki observed more intensely. She noticed the lights blink and the grid having a connection. The blinking lights appeared in a pattern that appeared to connect with the numbers 9, 8, 7 5 in order.

"9875, that's the password." Chiaki chanted.

"How do you know-" "No need for questions, we can talk about it later. Just put it in." Hajime being cut off by Chiaki.

As Nagito put the password in, the cage opened spontaneously, along with a key dropping from above the ground.

"HECK YEAH WE DID IT!" You screamed.

"This key has to be for the way out! Let's go tell everyone what we found!" Hajime affired.

Wow, you guys really finished the final dead room? With you symbols of hope, you can battle any kind of despair! At least my love will be safe.

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