chapter seven.

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Authors note:

okay, it's time for the truth or dares chapter! most of this chapter is going to be a dialogue so get your imagination ready! Nagito is going to be more insane so if you don't like the yandere troupe, skip this chapter! By the way, Nagito's inner thoughts are highlighted in outline and bold

Like this


Even though you absolutely dreaded this game, you practically had no choice since everyone else agreed to play.

"Alright fine, ill play, but only because you really wanted me to;" You sighed.

"Heck yeah! I call asking first!" Hajime perked up in excitement.


Dialogue: (Hajime, Nagito, Chiaki, Y/N)

H: Chiaki, truth or dare?

C: Truth

H: Hm, what is the best game you have ever played?

C: uh-uh um... f-favourite game? I can't decide!

H: Too bad that's the truth question

C: okay fine, I would say that my favourite game is the persona series. The concepts of the games are truly amazing and the characters are very well developed-

H: okay we don't need your rambling about games! You can ask someone else now.

C: okay, Nagito, truth or dare?

N: I'll pick dare this time to get the ball rolling!

C: okay this one is going to be really funny haha

N: bring it on then~

C: I dare you to lick whipped cream off of someone random in-game



H: but the real question, how are we going to pick whose body Nagito is going to lick whipped cream off of?

C: We can just use a spinner app on my cell phone

N: sure, it's gonna be embarrassing no matter who it is hehe

"Who am I going to lick cream off of? I'm actually going to lick cream off an ultimate. Ohhh what is feeling? I hope it's Y/N! Why am I thinking so crudely? Their body; I'm actually going to see it up close, not just in the photographs I have taken. This sensation, it's like drugs, I'm the addict and Y/N is my high! my hope!"

C: okay I have the spinner app set up now, I'll spin the spinner now.

*it lands on your name*

H: Well what do u know, you have to lick cream off of Y/N! I definitely have to take a photo of that haha

N: okay fine, a dare is a dare after all

"Thank you lady luck, you really are on my side today! to even see Y/N's bare body is such a miracle to me and I get to touch it with my tongue. I can already taste the cream that has been touched by her skin cells and body oils. haha, I can feel it filling me up. I should just get their body oil and inject it in my blood so they can be part of me forever. Their tank top, how it fits just right on them. Just barely enough to reveal their physique. How lucky am I today? To dance with them, be tucked into bed by them, to breathe in their carbon dioxide. I'm going insane for you my love."

Y/N: Are you okay Nagito? Your eyes are going in spirals, you are scaring me!

N: Am I okay? AM I F***ING OKAY? YOU ARE ALWAYS SO NICE TO ME Y/N! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO HAVE YOU IN MY LIFE? I JUST WANT TO HOLD ON TO YOU EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY, TO BE SHOWERED IN YOUR LOVE. THAT'S TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR, BUT I STILL WANT IT. I WANT TO BE SELFISH! I JUST WANT TO CUT YOU OPEN AND BE INSIDE OF YOU! I even secretly collect things you have like your clothes, your snacks, even your bedsheets! Just to be surrounded by you! You are too nice for the world Y/N! Let's just leave this island! We can be together for the rest of our lives! ill do anything for you! I'll kill anyone who distracts you from me Y/N! YOU WILL BE MINE AND YOU WON'T HAVE A CHOICE!


Seeing Nagito act like that, he looked insane, his eyes twitching in spirals and him touching himself from indulging in you. Hajime just took you and left while Chiaki did her best to calm Nagito down.

"I'm really sorry Y/N! Nagito tends to act insane when he gets too stimulated. His being around you is very dangerous and you are basically a drug to him. I've actually been keeping him away from you for your safety because of that! Please avoid Nagito as much as you can before he will start killing people for your attention. I think it's better if you just sleep somewhere else for tonight. You can sleep in my cabin bed, I'll just use the couch. Here's my key." Hajime panted in fear as he justified Nagito's actions

You just walked to Hajime's cabin in fear of what just happened to you. You were so frightened, you just felt like bursting into tears. You just wrapped yourself in Hajime's blankets and just rocked slowly in fear of being alone at night without anything but Hajime's scent to comfort you. A few toys were lying around which were probably very valuable to him so you didn't touch any of them. But one of them was a plushie from the Rocketpunch mart you always wanted. You thought Hajime wouldn't mind if you cuddled with it for a bit and in a heartbeat, you fell asleep in an unconscious state.

Shortly after, Hajime came back to his cabin with your stuff and noticed you sleeping like a baby cuddling with his plushie. He decided not to bother your slumber and just slept on the couch of exhaustion.

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now