chapter twenty-three.

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Author's note:

Hii! I'm so sorry that this chapter has been rushed! I got a few complaints that felt like Nagito wasn't the main star but I promise, there will be more Nagito content! I also rushed Hajime's arc due to some other complaints, so if you want to know what happened to Hajime, you can read the prologue, otherwise, you can skip it. Have a good read and love you <3



It has been the day where you report Nagito to the headmaster to solve this situation once and for all. Once you found the way to the headmaster's office. You left a note to Jin Kirigiri, reporting Nagito of the crimes that he committed. A few days later, you received an email from the school that they were going to solve this case with you and Hajime as testimony. When you were inspected, you noticed Kyoko, Makoto, Mikan, and some other people, probably of other ultimates that can be used in solving crimes. You pleaded that Nagito was the one that knocked out Hajime but due to the lack of evidence, and Hajime's testimony being faulty from an autopsy; as he had a medical drug flowing through his veins at the time of incidence. Due to the lack of evidence and the many cases the crime club had to solve, the case was closed immediately and the crime club moved on to their next case like this one didn't even matter to them.


It has been a few weeks since the incidence of Hajime appearing in the closet. You weren't able to report Nagito to the headmaster due to the lack of evidence and the only testimony being on a memory hallucination drug during the process. The case of the special reserve course student has been closed due to the summer break. After the bell rang, Nagito rushed up to you as you were packing your bags.

"Hi my love, are you ready for this glorious summer we are going to have together?" Nagito greeted.

"Who said I was going to spend my summer with you? I know what you did to Hajime. Why did you do that?!" You cried.

"I just needed to clean the trash, that's all my love. He isn't worthy of you. By the way, do you mind if I take you out somewhere tomorrow?" Nagito requested.

"Where is it, and will you be sure you won't pull any weird stunts as you did before?" You doubted.

"I know you have all of the reasons to doubt me, but trust me, I wouldn't ever do anything to you, I would protect you with my life if I needed to. To die, for you, would make my life of the utmost value." Nagito poetically claimed.

"Okay, fine. But it better be entertaining! Be your classy self and not your insane self, okay?" Your complexion heated up as you were swayed with Nagito's words.

"Anything you want, I will give to you my love. You are the universe's sunshine after all. By the way, I recommend you dress in casual attire." Nagito recommended.

"Okay, I shall see you tomorrow then, my hope." You exited out of the classroom with the utmost class that blew Nagito away. He blushed a bright rouge with his face becoming noticeably hot.

My hope, what kind of a person is Y/N. I'm their hope? Just kill me already, I want to die happy. Tomorrow, I'm going to be dowsed in eternal hope. You will finally be mine. Hajime will also be gone for a few weeks for his science experiment so this will be the peak of my life. My sorrow will be done.

You exited the final class and headed to your dorm to change to a pair of black cargo shorts, a T-shirt of a singer you like, a few chains, some chuck converse, and a cap to compliment the outfit. You put on a fanny pack to cinch your waist and hold a few items you need.

When you finished changing, you headed to the campus yard to see a local tournament with many sports to choose from. You saw Akane and Nekomaru in the fighting contest, along with Peko in the swordsman contest. You also noticed some upperclassmen you recognized in the introduction in some other contests. Leon was there, obviously in the baseball contest. He didn't have the most prideful face since he had a passion for music and not for sports. There was a muscular woman competing alongside Nekomaru and Akane and the other was in a swimming tournament. The woman you heard the name was Aoi Asahina won the contest by far. Considering she was the ultimate swimmer, it was a surprise to nobody that she won by a long shot.

During the fighting contest, you noticed a darker skin woman able to flip Nekomaru like a feather. You wondered how she could have done that so easily. You heard from someone that her name was Sakura Ogami and that she was the ultimate martial artist. You remember hearing rumors that she was the strongest human alive, your eyes glittered as she smiled with another one of her victories. You had to know who they were so after all the contests finished, you ran up to Sakura and Aoi talking to one another.


Dialogue: (Sakura, Aoi, Y/N)

Y/N: Hi! Your names are Sakura Ogami and Aoi Asahina, right? It's my absolute pleasure to meet you!

A: Stop with the formalities bud! You are correct by the way! I'm Aoi Asahina but you can just call me Hina!

S: And I'm Sakura Ogami. It is my pleasure to meet the ultimate reader. You can recommend me reading material for some time.

Y/N: How do you know I'm the ultimate reader?

A: We should always know our underclassmen! and we heard you around quite a bit from Hiro and Leon!

Y/N: Do you want me to treat you to any snacks? I have a few in my bag. There are granola bars and some fruit snacks.

A: Oh yeah fruit snacks! Don't mind if I do~

S: I will take a granola bar, thank you for the snack, I was feeling hungry haha.


After you, Sakura, and Hina finished your snacks, you headed off to your dorms and exchanged numbers. You did your night routine and changed into some pajamas. You jumped to your bed and cuddled in your warm sheets. You snored instantly from the tiring day and dreamed about tomorrow with Nagito.

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now