chapter twenty-one.

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Author's note: 

Hi everyone, I'm so sorry that I didn't write a chapter on Friday. I have a religious festival going on, so I didn't have much time to write this chapter, so I hope that you understand :c 

Btw, Hajime's thoughts are highlighted in bold and lining for this chapter

like this


It was the morning, your first day having a normal school day at hope's peak academy. You weren't sure to name Hope's peak academy as "normal" but, it was more normal than spending your school days on a deserted island. You woke up and saw Hope's Peak uniform laid out for you by your given dresser with a few extra changes of clothes inside. The way hope's peak academy functioned resembled a college campus. After you finished your daily routine, you changed into your new uniform and packed your bag with the given textbooks and a book you were reading and headed to your first class.

When you entered the class, you noticed that you were the last one to come into the class. Everyone was chatting with each other, so you chose to sit at the desk by the windowpane and read your book. 


Dialogue: (Hajime, Y/N)

Hajime: Hey Y/N! It's the first day of school, why are you just reading a book?

Y/N: Are you forgetting I'm the ultimate reader? Anyways, I still don't know your talent, what is it?

Hajime: Actually, I don't have a talent, I'm just a reserve course student. The school is planning to put me in this lab experiment. That's why I'm in this class. I know I'm not as cool-

Y/N: Shush. If you are a reserve course student, it doesn't mean that you are less valued than the rest of us. Maybe the school is going to give you a talent later on in that lab experiment you talked about. We are still friends, don't forget that! Or are we? I didn't forget that note that you gave to me during that extraordinary performance huhu!

Hajime: Wait what? Did you see that? Um, so, what do you think?

Y/N: I think it's quite flattering that you felt that way towards me. What about we explore Hope's Peak together after school?

Hajime: You mean, like a date?

Y/N: Of course dummy!


The bell rang, meaning that class was about to commence. The thought of going on a date with someone like Hajime made you fantasize about him the whole class, unable to pay attention to anything the teacher said. 

Nagito noticed you smiling in glee as he witnessed his beloved being asked out by someone else. He almost burst down into tears but didn't want to break down in front of you. Everything went back to numbness like before he met you. Just seeing grey with no reason to live. But he didn't want to just give up. He knew that he wasn't even worthy of his beloved if he just gave up. He understood that he needed to find a plan to obliterate Hajime away from his love story.

~*time skip*~

After your classes ended, you strolled over to Hajime while he packed his bags, appearing he needed some assistance.

"Hi, jewel, ready for the expedition?" You greeted.

"J-jewel? Sorry, I'm a bit nervous, why did you call me jewel anyways?" Hajime questioned.

"It's a reference to the romance novel I was reading before, it's named "The Blue Castle" by L.M. Montgomery!" You explained with enthusiasm.

"Ohh, it seems very philosophical. I expect something like that from you. Anyways, let's see what's on campus!" Hajime cheered.

As you gallivanted across the academia, you observed that it was very crowded with people in very unique attire, probably because they can express with their fashion after school.

"Hey, there's an ice cream truck! You want anything Y/N?" Hajime requested.

"No, I'm okay. The ice cream looks expensive, and I don't want to waste money." You declined.

"Aw come on, I'm treating you Y/N. I like seeing you happy after all!" Hajime reassured.

"Okay, I will just get a vanilla cone then." You sighed.

As you enjoyed your vanilla cone, Hajime kept staring at you with a piercing look. You were curious about what was happening in Hajime's head but brushed it off thinking Hajime wasn't that kind of person. 

Wow, I get to see Y/N this close. Why are these urges coming into my head? They are just eating a vanilla cone, but my mind, ugh. I should stop with this mindset. But still, why is Y/N so beautiful. At least they are safe with me and not someone like Nagito.

You and Hajime enjoyed your ice cream, went to a cafe, talked under a cafe table, enjoying the prime years of your life. But through the crowds, you didn't notice Nagito spying on you and Hajime, with the devil's eye pointing right at Hajime. 

"Excuse me, I'm going to the restroom Y/N, I'll be right back darling~" Hajime swayed with his words, piercing your heart with a cupid's arrow.

As Nagito overheard Hajime, he crept to the washroom, ready to execute his plan he deviated.

"Well, what a coincidence Hajime, we meet up here while you are on a date with my love. Don't you know that I'm willing to do absolutely anything for Y/N? You don't love Y/N nearly as much as me Hajime. What makes you deserving of the ultimate reader you stupid reserve course student?" Nagito smirked.

"Just f**k off Nagito, you are putting Y/N in danger, they would rather live a nice life with me Nagito, you just wait and see," Hajime yelled.

"haha, maybe you can just wait and see, are you willing to put everything on the line for Y/N like I am? That's what I thought. Now excuse me, this won't hurt a bit." Nagito chuckled as he sedated Hajime with medicine he stole from Mikan.

As he used the secret path he observed from Makoto and Kyoko, he used this quick pathway to head to a closet and hid his unconscious body. The sedative was only going to last a day to avoid suspicion to Makoto and Kyoko. He headed back outside with a grim smile on his face as you were left hanging for an hour. 

As the sun was setting, you were nervous about Hajime not showing up and decided to walk alone in sorrow as you were disappointed in Hajime. You walked alone back to your dorm until you noticed an upperclassman with a punch perm riding his motorbike, driving by you.

"Yo, what are you doing this late? It's not safe for a first-year to be here this late ya know?" The boy questioned.

"I'm just walking home after a date, seems like my date ditched me." You sighed.

"Man, who the f**k does that? It's already great to have a date who the f**k does he think he is?! Oh forgot to introduce myself, the name's Mondo Owada, nice to f**king meet ya! I'm the ultimate biker gang leader." Mondo yelled in a demanding tone that definitely suited his ultimate.

"Want a ride back to your dorm? Don't worry I'm not going to kidnap you or anything." Mondo asked.

"Sure. Thanks a lot, Mondo! My room number is 304." You accepted his request to take you back to your dorm.

Your dorm was nearby so in less than a minute, you already arrived to your assigned dorm. 

"Thanks, Mondo! I owe you one!" You thanked.

You headed back to your dorm and did your nighttime routine before you jumped to your bed and fell asleep, unaware of what is happening to Hajime.

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