chapter eleven.

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Author's note:

Hii everyone! I very much apologize for the late chapter but I'll try to stay more consistent on schedule hehe. Btw, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 300 READS! We reached that a day after I wrote the last chapter and we are already at 329 reads goddamn! for this chapter ill be writing from Nagito's perspective to add some more extra spice to the story and see what happened behind his closed doors and trust me, there's a lot to him. From the bottom of my heart, I hope you enjoy my writing and thank you so much for your time. C:


Nagito's perspective:

I saw Y/N, being so comfortable with someone else other than me. Are they going to be taken away from me? From someone like Teruteru, I don't blame them. He can keep them happy and I'm just nothing compared to Y/N. I just decided to leave her alone for a bit. They probably don't want to stay with me anyways. But I need to stay with them. To feel complete. I need them and I have to interfere. To keep them all to myself. We can run away together. Oh my god, just the thought of us together just makes me want to look at the photographs I got of them. I better run to my cottage before I do something immoral and Byakuya holds me, hostage, again.

As I wandered back to my cabin, I saw the articles I brought to the sleepover placed organized at the front step of my gateway. I'm astounded nobody confiscated the syringe and the handcuffs I brought. It was at the bottom of my backpack so I'm startled nobody checked through my stuff. I decided to go to the underground room I built under my cottage to enjoy myself with Y/N. The room could use some cleaning and I needed to organize my shrine of Y/N. Now, where is my favourite picture? I threw everything in the room to find that precious photo of them, and there it was, safely tucked in a binder. The photo of them in the bathhouse I was able to retrieve. Gosh, it took a chance at fate to get that photograph of them, and that camera costs so much and for what? it didn't even have a case or anything. At least it's high-quality and it disseminates photos. I even almost got caught, but it was worth everything. Seeing their full-body all out while they were showering. The pearlescent soap covering their chest barely enough to see their nipples. The soap still is here today, Never used ever since. I shall show Y/N this shrine someday. Imagine if someone worshipped you like a god, Y/N is a god, after all, they are my cure to this abyss.

I got to do some cleaning around here and even got to hang up every picture of Y/N on the drywall. I need to prepare this room for a special mission of mine. I will need to do some preparation in advance so I can get the ideal opportunity to strike. According to my notes on Y/N's schedule, I can't hit anytime after meals because that's when they like to hang out with individuals or small groups of people. Y/N seems to be alone most likely before dinner. It would be most easy to execute my plan when they are isolated at the lobby of Hotel Mirai next week at 6 pm. In the meantime, I will need to obtain some of Y/N's commodities.

As I snuck to their cabin, I managed to open their cabin with a replica of the cottage key I have created. I quickly grabbed a few changes of clothes and snuck some of their perfume with me. The way that their scent lingers through the room felt amazing. I wanted to bask in it forever but it was getting dark and it wasn't the best to sneak during the dark and it was dinner time anyways.

As I changed to a black t-shirt and pants with my sage green coat, I decided to tuck my hair in a ponytail to impress Y/N. They told me to take care of myself more so if my god implies something I should do, I shall ensue.


Dialogue: (everyone)

Nagito: hey everyone!

Hajime: hey Nagito! come sit beside us

Y/N: we saved you a seat come on!

Nagito: my, you must be so kind!

Chiaki: don't worry it was no biggie

Kazuichi: Anyways, what's for dinner? I'm starving in here and I was saving room for dinner.

Ibuki: don't come at me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure we are having roast chicken for dinner!

Y/N: oh yeah! I got to taste test some before with Teruteru, trust me it's yummy!

Nekomaru: you better not be lying or else I'm gonna have to eat you for dinner haha

Teruteru: speaking of dinner, I'm proud to serve everyone my mama's secret recipe of roasted chicken. I hope you enjoy~

Byakuya: before everyone eats, I will need to test the food for poison!

Akane: why do you need to eat so much of it, you cheater! I'm getting to it before you eat it all!

Sonia: don't fear anyone, there is more than enough for everyone to enjoy

Fuyuhiko: okay I'm here, why the f**k did you pigs start eating already?!

Hiyoko: cuz' we are not lazy a**holes like you kuzuryuu


Fuyuhiko: it's okay Peko, calm yourself a bit.

Mahiru: I agree with Peko, it's not very ladylike to disgrace someone's family name like that.


Mikan: I can for sure agree with Ibuki~

Gundham: well, there are not very many non-meat options but you fiends were lucky that the dark overlord wasn't very hungry anyway! you are all spared for today, but that's it!


Time really did fly fast geez, the way that Y/N was laughing so much from the immaculate food and relaxing atmosphere sure did make her feel amazing. Almost made me feel immeasurable. At least I'm out of that stuping old building and can finally sleep in my bed again.

As I tucked myself into my duvet, I clutched Y/N's perfume and diffused it onto my cushion. The way that it had Y/N's scent felt enchanting. I just wanted to sleep with them endlessly. In euphoric perpetuity. I need you, my love. I just wish you were here right now though.

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