chapter twenty-seven.

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Author's note:

me enjoying the new tts be like: haha nice

btw F/F means favourite flowers


I'll write the smut if this story gets 5 votes \( ͡° ͜/// ͡°)/


You ran along with Nagito, catching up to him fairly quickly. 

"Hey, Nagito! Wait, why are you bleeding out of your nose? Are you okay?" You showed concern for him, as the sanguine fluid still leaking from his nostrils. 

"Can I be completely honest Y/N?" 

You nodded to his question.

"What you said before, I can do more if you want, think of that again. But, in a more perverted way."

It took you a bit to process what he meant, but once you knew, you panicked.

"YOU PERVERT!!!" You jumped on Nagito and squished his face until he turned red. 

"Okay okay, it's going to get dark soon, we have to sadly end this day and go home sweetheart." Nagito calmed you down as he had to sadly remind you.

"Oh yeah, it's going to get dark, at least we stayed nearby the airport. Let's go, mon belle a blanc." You replied to him.

"I'm sorry, may I ask what 'mon belle a blanc' means?" Nagito questioned you.

"It means my pale beauty, it was mentioned in a romance book I read before, that's what the girl called the boy and it just stuck with me, as it reminded me so much of you. That's all." 

You walked with Nagito to the airport, in silence as Nagito was lost in thought. 

Is this a dream? I'm not a believer in fate, but is this meant to be fate? Everything that has happened has led me here. The reason to merely exist. My purpose I have been looking for. It is right beside me. My beloved, my lord, my everything. Nobody is here to take them away from me. But, I cannot lower my guard, school is starting soon. That will mean more obstacles I need to shield my beloved from. Even if it means the end of the world, I will protect my beloved from everything that will bring her despair. Hope shall be the only thing they feel. 

You made it to the airport and passed through security swiftly as you entered the jet. You noticed that there were extra preparations made. F/Fs were laid out everywhere, shining lights to compliment them, sweets out on the table in Avant-Garde glass plates, and bedsheets laid out by the seats. 

"Woah! did you make all of this for me?!" You shrieked in shock.

"I got a few people to do this for me. Go ahead, take a seat. the flight will start soon." Nagito caressed your cheek as he smiled his charismatic grin. 

You took your seat next to the boy and didn't hesitate as he reached out to hold your hand. 

"Love, what did you think of today? I hope I provided the best for you." 

"It was the best day ever! I'm pretty much satisfied with anything so I don't think my standards exist. But I think anyone would say this is great! It's like you are making my life a fanfiction!" You cheered to him with shining eyes.

"I'm happy I was able to satisfy you, my love."

The snow-haired boy came closer to your face, eyes locked in one another's. You had shivers down his spine as he smirked with a direct look at your lips. 

"May I?" Nagito requested.

"Yes please." You answered.

When you answered, he grabbed the back of your face and locked your faces into one anothers'. The thirst that he felt was like a wolf going for a tomahawk after he's been starving for weeks.  You let out a slight moan as he pulled your hair away from your face. Nagito pulled you away from him.



"Say my name like that," Nagito demanded.


"I said what I said. Now follow my order, my beloved."

Nagito pulled you back into him with even more passion than before. 

"Nagito~" You cried with pleasure.

"Say that again." Nagito ran his hands through your body with his fingers, dominating you.

"Nagito!~" You cried again in pleasure as he was touching you and putting his hands on your chest.

You grabbed the bedsheet and put it on top of you and your lover.

[You can assume what you did ( ͡°⁄ ⁄ ͜⁄ ⁄ʖ⁄ ⁄ ͡°)]


An hour later...

You woke up from your slumber, holding onto Nagito as he slept with a smile. You got up and changed into a new pair of clothes as the plane was about to land. 

"Hey, Nagito. Wake up, the plane is about to land." You gently caressed his face to wake him up.

"Oh, thanks my love, this flight felt like a breeze. Need to change into some clean clothes. There are a lot of stains on it thanks to you." 

"Hey, don't blame me for your mistakes, and hurry up." 

After the plane landed, you and Nagito passed through security and left the airport through a taxi.

"Thank you Nagito." You said in a blissed tone.

"Thanking me, for what?"

"What do you mean, for what? You took me to Okinawa! You gave me a great time throughout the whole day!"

"You should expect more my love, I am serving you merely the bare minimum of what you deserve. My entire world shall be dedicated to you from this day forward. You are my everything." Nagito rambled more about his hope for you and how much he loves you. It washed through the entire ride and you made it home.

"Bye, my shining hope." You waved at him with a genuine smile.

"Goodbye, for now, my love." Nagito waved back at you.


Nagito made it back to his dorm, with a smile plastered on his face. He opened a secret latch in his dorm, revealing his room dedicated to you, Pictures, candles, pillows, all for you. He grabbed his computer and processed all the pictures he made of you. Your smile, your glee, your body, all of those pictures, hanging up on his wall. He lit up the candles and proceeded to process all of the photos to later hang them up on the walls. 

"Suck it Hajime, or should I say, Izuru?"

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now