chapter three.

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          after you finished cleaning with the others, you decided to go back to your room for a bit and relax a bit while eating the heart-shaped coconut jelly. 

"these sure taste amazing! thanks, Nagito."

you decided to spend some of the free time you had outdoors by the beachside. it was burning hot and you decided to get some fresh air. When you were walking to the beach, you noticed Nekomaru and Akane running in the sand. You decided to drop by and check in on them. 


Dialogue: (Nekomaru, Akane, Y/N)

Y/N: hey Nekomaru, Akane, over here!

N: Hey Y/N! here for a workout? come join us!

A: Yeah! it would be totally fun with someone else!

Y/N: Sure why not? It's good to get fit after all.

N: That's the spirit now get movin' you two!


While you were working out, Nagito was by the beach reading a magazine he found lying around the cafeteria. He noticed you running really fast and panting really hard. He noticed you have a great time around Nekomaru and Akane and wanted to join you, but he was very shy to go up to you and join.

"mere trash like me shouldn't have the right to even look at your beauty y/n. Please tell me why I have these butterflies in my stomach? I'm really this lucky to see you."

~*time skip*~

you were done working out with Akane and Nekomaru and boy were you in pain!


Dialogue: (Nekomaru, Akane, Nagito, Y/N)

Akane: I'm super tired I can barely walk.

Nekomaru: That's good Akane! tired muscles mean that they are going to get stronger! 

Y/N: I'm also out of steam I need to relax.

Nagito: hey guys, I noticed you were running and you are probably really tired so I brought you some drinks!

Akane: Oh my lord, thank you so much Nagito I thought I would have to walk all the way to the cafeteria for some drinks.

Nagito: here, I brought ramune for Akane, coconut water for Nekomaru and some lemonade for y/n

Akane: Hell yeah, my favourite!

Nekomaru: Drink up you deserve it!

Y/N: This tastes amazing! I like the raspberry flavours with the lemon, and it's a bit sour, just the way I like it!

Nagito: I know y/n.

Akane: wait how would you know something like that we have only been here for a day?

Nagito: h-huh? it was just a hunch. I'm not a stalker or anything!

Y/N: Good cuz that would be weird if I had a stalker on me haha

Nagito: although I would love to see you every second of the day.

Nagito: by the way, Y/N, what's your ultimate? if you don't mind me asking?

Nekomaru: Oh yeah! you never told us yet

Y/N: Well, I might sound ridiculous but I'm actually the ultimate reader! I read quite a lot of material especially fan-fiction huhu

Akane: imagine being to read that much, can't be me! I would be too energetic

Y/N: well, you are the ultimate gymnast of course you would be super energetic!

Nekomaru: That's my Akane!


"The ultimate reader? Wow, you sure are so talented y/n. I'm just a grain of sand compared to your whole beach. read me like an open book please- wait no that sounds perverted that's not nice to think about the ultimate reader. But I would love to see what you can do my future love~"

My Hope~ (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now