Chapter '36'

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"Hoseok you need..." Jungkook had burst into Hoseok's room trying to wake him up although he stopped when saw the older and Yoongi fast asleep in each others arms.

"What it is?" Taehyung questionee walking up to Jungkook "oh shit" he smiled whipping out his phone and snapping a couple of photos "do you want me to drop you?" Taehyung asked as he did.

"Even if you do Yoongi Hyung needs to get up" Jungkook informed although looking at the way he and Hoseok was sleeping he wasn't sure if he had the heart to wake them up.

"Have you woken Hoseok u...p..."Hyejin began walking into the room trailing off when she saw the same thing as Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Ugh.. why is there so much noise?" Hoseok groaned opening his eyes just a peak and slowly looking around, he spotted the three standing.

He sighed getting ready to close his eyes again when he remembered something, Yoongi was sleeping right next to him in his arms.

He sighed once more before looking at the door where Jungkook, Taehyung and Hyejin stood "t-this isn't what it looks like" he began "wow you really like him don't you Hyung?" Jungkook laughed walking out of the room.

"And I was right as always Hoseok I knew you liked him" Taehyung smiled following Jungkook out Hyejin just shook her head walking out after the two boys "this isn't.." Hoseok trailed off seeing the door shut.

He sighed looking down at Yoongi he looked so cute when he slept, but Hoseok knew there was a reason the others had come into his room and it wasn't Yoongi.

He looked over at the clock in his room it was 7:30 "damn it" Hoseok murmured.

Yoongi and Hoseok got up not long after Taehyung and the other 2 left the room Hoseok had no choice but to wake him up.

Everything was awkward, from the time they spent getting ready to leave, to the ride to Jungkook's school after dropping Hyejin off at hers.

The others thought it was because they were sleeping together and a ways it was, but at the same time Yoongi didn't know how to act around Hoseok after them both saying they loved each other and sleeping next to him.

Hoseok on the other hand wasn't sure if Yoongi even remembered their confessions or not he was worried that he did and didn't mean it which is why he was acting so weird.

Later that day Hoseok went to pick up Jungkook and Hyejin as usual, and he also bumped into Yoongi, he offered him a ride but the older declined saying he already had someone picking him up and Hoseok didn't bother prying.

The fact that Yoongi could be using that as an excuse to avoid him did cross his mind, but he immediately brushed it off.

But anyways Yoongi hadn't lied, his mum had come to pick him up so they could spend sometime together Yoongi had told her what happened of course he had fallen asleep before hearing what Hoseok had said so he just told her up untill he knew which was that he said I love you and then fell asleep.

"Don't you think it's weird like maybe he likes you too I mean he said he wanted to kiss you and he was sober plus he didn't push you off after you said that even if you were drifting off to sleep you would be able to tell" his mother explained.

"I don't think he's like that, I mean he can kiss before dating" Yoongi pointed out

"look Yoongi just forget about how much he used to date and fool around, just look at him now, he only looks at you he's not been dating since he met you if he doesn't like you what reason is there to hold back?" She asked.

"And why would he kiss you? Even if he could kiss someone he isn't dating wouldn't he not kiss you knowing how you feel? Wouldn't he not want to lead you on?" Mrs Min questioned.

Yoongi blushed at how open she was "I mean your not wrong but he doesn't have to love me to kiss me" Yoongi insisted "come on, Yoongi your friends do you see him kissing his other friends?" She tried.

"No.." Yoongi mumbled "Well, then...he probably likes you especially if his whole family who probably knows how he is when he catches feelings are teasing him and literally telling you that he loves you!" She said.

"Ok.. let's say he loves me then what I ask him out and we date?" Yoongi asked, his mother quickly nodding "I'm kinda scared I don't want to end up like the rest of his girlfriends and have nothing left it's my first relationship I want it to be my last" Yoongi explained.

"You told me that he's never broken up with his girlfriends right?" His mother asked "mmh" Yoongi nodded "so why would he break up with you? You just need to stop giving yourself reasons not to date him" she assured, Yoongi looking down.

"I'll think about it and when I'm ready I'll ask him out" Yoongi told "good but do it soon I want him to be my son in law already" Mrs Min smiled and Yoongi chuckled.


Chapter 36
Word count:895

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