Chapter ,17'

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"Look the marriage thing has been cancelled you don't have to worry anymore" Yoongi sighed it had been about an hour since Hoseok left and he was back.

"but we're still friends so of course I'm going to worry about you" Hoseok stated "friends... My friends don't worry about me as much as you Hoseok" Yoongi laughed slightly though anyone could tell the laugh was sarcastic.

"Ok maybe I just like to worry about you" "you shouldn't it doesn't help" Yoongi said "are you saying me being worried about you is bothersome?" "Yes and no...I mean I like it but it's bothersome".

"If you like it what's the problem?" Hoseok asked "it makes it hard for me not to Fall for you" Yoongi said covering his mouth when he realised what he said "ah no... That's not what I meant... Well it is but like don't take it the wrong way...." Yoongi trailed off sighing he was bright red.

"You... Your falling for me?" Hoseok asked beyond shocked "no..?" Yoongi lied it sounded more like a question than an answer "so then what are you talking about?" Hoseok asked.

"Well the way you act makes it hard for me not to fall for you and I know you want to be friends so it's not good for me to fall for you so I'm saying don't act like that because it makes it hard for me" Yoongi said "go ahead I don't mind you falling for me" Hoseok said with a smirk.

"It's not funny... I'll except it this time but don't do it again ok?" Yoongi said "look Yoongi I don't really care what you think if you are going to eat take out I'm going to cook for you" Hoseok said.

"Ok I'll learn how to cook" Yoongi said "ok then I'll come here to check on you every 2 days" Hoseok said "you don't need t-" Hoseok quickly cut him off "I do because I want to make sure your actually cooking or making food that could be worse than take out" Hoseok said.

Yoongi just signed "your not gonna give up are you?" He asked "no, so text me Friday and let me know an hour before you plan on cooking and we'll go shopping then I'll help you cook" Hoseok sighed.

"Only if I have time I'm not making no promises" Yoongi sighed "oh Please you don't have a job yet" Hoseok said rolling his eyes "actually I do! I checked my email a few minutes after you left earlier and I had been excepted to a school named BigHigh" Yoongi said

"oh.. that's the one I was talking about earlier, my brother goes there" Hoseok said "oh really what's his name?" Yoongi asked "I'm sure you'll figure it out when you see him" Hoseok said.

"Ok" Yoongi shrugged "so when do you start?" Hoseok asked "Tomorrow they want me to come in and learn the basics from tomorrow untill Friday and then start teaching on Monday next week" Yoongi said.

"Oh that's great" Hoseok said 'you make me feel special!~' Hoseok phone began ring he quickly pulling it out answering it "hello Hyejin" he said "ah really ok well I'm not to far I'll come soon so just stay there for a bit longer" Hoseok said.

"Yeah I'll see you soon, bye I love you too" Hoseok said before hanging up "sorry my sister and brother are coming over today so I have to go" Hoseok said getting up "Yoongi also got up to walk Hoseok out.

"So I'll see you on Thursday" Yoongi said watching Hoseok put his shoes on "yep" Hoseok said standing up he pulled Yoongi into a hug.

Yoongi felt his heart skip a beat and the room quickly become hot "gosh when will you start telling me your gonna hug me before hugging me?" Yoongi asked blushing slightly whole hugging Hoseok back.

"If I say 'I'm gonna give you a hug' it makes it awkward"
Hoseok said letting go of going "true.. but it surpises me everytime" Yoongi said "sorry" Hoseok said.

"It's fine you better quickly go before you miss your siblings" Yoongi said "yeah make sure you eat Yoongi" Hoseok said opening the door and walking out "bye" he said walking off.

"Bye Hoseok" Yoongi said shutting the door seeing Hoseok walk away he slumped down to the floor "he makes it so hard for me to not like him" Yoongi sighed his face was red.

Little things that like hugging, holding hands and other types of skin ship that friends did Yoongi had never done before so doing it with the person he loved made him even more embarrassed.


"Hoseok!" Hyejin said running to her half brother and hugging him she hadn't sent him for the past 2 months and damn did she miss him they were siblings and even though they were 7 years apart they got along really well.

Hyejin loved Hoseok more than Jungkook her own blood brother while Hoseok love for his sisters was the same "ah your hurting me" Hoseok whined Hyejin let go of him.

"Sorry I just missed you I haven't seen you in ages" she

said "I know" Hoseok said "is Hawon still here?" Hoseok asked "yeah she's talking to mum in the kitchen" Hyejin said "and Jungkook?" Hoseok said "yeah he's here in your room waiting for you" Hyejin said.

Hoseok missed the way she looked down, they way she bit her lip as though she was nervous, as though she was scared.

"Ok well I'm going to speak to him and then we can catch up later" Hoseok said Hyejin nodded before watching Hoseok walk off.

Hoseok heard upstairs to his room he opened the door to see Jungkook laying on his bed playing on one of Hoseok's phone he looked over at Hoseok when he heard the door opened.

"bout time".

Chapter 17
Word count:990

Hey guys, so I might be taking a break I'm not sure
yet but if I am you guys won't be getting an update from
today on, so this will be the last update untill I came back.

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