Chapter ,19'

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It's ok. I hope you've sorted out
your problems


Unfortunately I haven't yet and
it's gonna take along time!


Oh what type of problems are they?
Anything I can help with?


No you just focus on your job I don't
want you to over work yourself




I appreciate it though it's nice to
have someone offer you help


What has no-one ever offered you
help before??


Umm.. not in while I don't really go
around stating that I need help so
not really I guess and if so it's been
too long to remember


Not even your family?


Hmm...not that I can remember but
anyways that sounds like a depressing
topic so let's not talk about that.




Wait a minute shouldn't you be going
to sleep you have to go to work tomorrow


Yeah I umm I'll see you on


You might see me tomorrow due to
unavoidable circumstances I'm going
to be taking my brother and sister to
their school.


So shouldn't you also be sleeping?


Yeah but I'm waiting for my ste\

Hoseok quickly erased the message realizing what he was about to say


I will but not now since there are
some people at my house.


Cool.. well I'm going to sleep now see
you tomorrow I guess


Yeah goodnight Yoongi


Night Hoseok.


"Hyung hurry up we don't have all day I'm already 5 minutes late!" Jungkook shouted It was 8:05am and Hoseok was getting ready to drop Him and Hyejin off to there schools.

"I'm coming, just take my keys from my desk in my room and wait in the car!" Hoseok shouted from the bathroom Jungkook sighed doing as he was told.

"Should we just leave him?" Jungkook asked Hyejin  walking to Hoseok's bedroom "No! Your dad doesn't like you driving and you know that Jungkook!" Hoseok shouted Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Then hurry the fuck up!" Jungkook said "language" Chaerin, their mother said walking past "mum can you drop us he's taking to long!" Jungkook whined "no I have to get ready and I take longer than Hoseok does" Chaerin stated walking into the kitchen.

"I'm ready now stop complaining!" Hoseok said grabbing his phone and wallet before taking his keys from Jungkook.

"Bye mum" he shouted before exiting the house Hyejin and Jungkook following close behind "were dropping Hyejin first" Hoseok said starting the car.

"What am I supposed to when the teacher starts complaining?" Jungkook asked "just deal with it and I'll make sure your on time next time" Hoseok said as he began driving.

A few minutes later...

"If anything happens call me" Hoseok said to Hyejin they were out side of her school and he was about to send her off but just wanted to make sure she knew to call him if anything happened.

"I don't have my phone" Hyejin said Hoseok sighed picking up his phone he took of the password before passing it on Hyejin "if anything happens call the contact that says Hoseok 3 put a password on it as well" he said.

"Ok bye" Hyejin said getting out of the car Hoseok watched her walk into school before driving off "Hyung you better not stick around after you drop me off I don't any anyone asking me about you especially-" Hoseok cut him off finishing his sentence "when no-one knows we're brother.. I know Jungkook...I know we're both just as ashamed as each other" Hoseok sighed.

"It's not good though" he added "you think I don't know that" Jungkook asked "keep up that attitude and I'll send you back to your dad" Hoseok stated, he didn't mean it just came out, and Jungkook quickly shut up looking down.

"Look Jungkook I'm not saying that to be a meanie or make fun of what you've been through I'm saying it because I don't know if I can deal with your attitude" Hoseok said.

"I'm sorry I've just been having mood swings and been easily getting pissed off after Jimin and I stopped having sex I feel bad because we're best friends and I've not been telling him anything because I'm worried of what he'll say and do" Jungkook confessed.

"Look I've spoken to your dad, and were going to try to fix this but I need you not to tell anyone else about what has happened especially not My dad because he will take you away from Jaehyun and I know you three love each other so please don't tell anyone" Hoseok said.

Jungkook nodded as they pulled up outside of his college "you don't have your phone either?" Hoseok asked Jungkook shook his head "well my other phones are at home so I'll get one and give it you at your break when is that?" Hoseok asked.

"12" Jungkook said "so 3 hours nice" Hoseok said "well I'll see you in 3 hours ...thanks Hyung" Jungkook said getting out the car "your welcome" Hoseok said.

Once Jungkook was out of the car he drove off not waiting around like Jungkook had requested.

Hoseok drove to his house to pick up the phones once he had it he went to Jaehyun's house to see what was happening over there.

Chapter 19
Word count:890

Not sure when the next update will be since we're moving soon and Idk what the internet situation will be like where we're going!

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