Chapter '18'

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"about time my ass" Hoseok said walking over to his bed and sitting besides his younger brother "... what's wrong with you.." he asked now close enough to noticing how sad Jungkook looked.

There was a moment of silence before Jungkook started to tear up, he bit his lip trying to hold back his tears.

Then he spoke- no he begged "Hyung... Please let me and Hyejin stay with you for some time I can't stay at home anymore it's too much".

"Why can't you stay at home?" Hoseok asked.

"D-dad the last 4 months he keeps drinking and getting angry h-he started hitting me... And it was just me at first but then the other day he hit H-Hyejin I've been trying to contact you but he took my phone away I finally convinced him to let u-us come see you guys saying I missed mum." Jungkook said sniffling.

"I had to stop having sex with Jimin because of the bruises" Jungkook added He and Jimin were fuck buddies but also best friends.

"Does Jimin know that he hits you?" Hoseok asked "n-no.. I haven't got the guts to tell him... I know he'll get angry and try taking me and Hyejin away" Jungkook said.

"I'll talk to your dad, you guys can stay the week I'll drop you to school and pick you up...then you'll go back I'll buy you a new phone and if he hits you again you text me and I'll sort it out ok Jungkook?" Hoseok said pulling Jungkook into a hug he could tell that's what he needed right now.

"Th-hank you and s-sorry Hy-yung" Jung stuttered out hugging Hoseok back.

Once Jungkook had stopped crying Hoseok went and chilled with Hyejin after they had fun he spoke to her about Her dad she told him everything.. about how she felt sorry for Jungkook since she couldn't do anything she also had her phone taken away she wishes she could take Jungkook's place but she's to scared she told him that when she tried to stick up for Jungkook a few days ago her dad slapped her.

Hoseok wasn't happy by the time she was finished they were both only teenagers even if Jungkook was above the legal age he was still a teenagers and didn't deserve to go through what he was going through no-one did.

Since their dad was also at the house Hoseok decided to have a word with him.

"Jaehyun can I bother you for a moment?" Hoseok asked, he didn't call him dad but my his first name instead, they were close enough to do that "of course son" Jaehyun said, out of the kids Hoseok's mother gave birth to Hoseok was Jaehyun's Favourite.

The two went to Hoseok room and began talking "Why do you keep getting drunk and hitting Jungkook?" Hoseok asked getting straight to the point he didn't like to beat around the bush.

Jaehyun's eyes widened a moment before he spoke "I don't know honestly I haven't been myself lately and I can't help but get drunk and everytime I do I just become angry and hit him I don't even know why I just do it I really want to stop and I want to apologize to him but I'm to ashamed to apologize and I don't know how to stop" Jaehyun explained looking down.

"I think you need some time away from the kids" Hoseok said Jaehyun looked up at Hoseok shocked his eyes began watering "Hoseok please don't do this don't take them away from me" he said.

"What... I'm not taking them away from you" Hoseok quickly assured "Then what do you mean?" Jaehyun asked "look we'll will keep the kids for a month you can see then every Tuesday in that month you will try not to get drunk and leave them with their phones! if you can do that I'll give them back to you if not I'll keep them untill you can" Hoseok said.

"I'll try but I don't know if 2 weeks will be enough" Mr Jeon said "don't worry I'll be helping you in the morning I'll drop them to school and then I'll come and stay with you through the day and leave when I need to at night I'll come back and stay on Tuesdays and Thursdays you'll be on your own and you'll have to try not to drink!" Hoseok said.

"Thank you Hoseok I really appreciate it" Jaehyun size his head still held low Hoseok know how much Jaehyun loved him children which is why he was confused as to why he suddenly switched he wanted to know why but since Jaehyun himself didn't know Hoseok decided regardless of the reason they would try to slowly get him off the alcohol.

All Hoseok knew was that he sure as hell that the next few weeks he was gonna be extremely busy.

"Hoseok whatever happens don't tell Hyuntae" Jaehyun said "I don't mind if Chaerin finds out but Hyuntae will take them away from me... I can't live with out Jungkook and Hyejin".

"I won't tell him but I can't guarantee that he won't find out" Hoseok said getting up "well let's go before anyone gets suspicious" he added Jaehyun nodded getting up and following Hoseok out of the room.

Once the two left Hoseok room they split ways Hoseok went to talk to his mum and dad about Hyejin and Jungkook staying for a while, saying he wanted to get closer to them of course both of them agreed.

Once that was done Hoseok was emotional exhausted and tired which was perfect since it was now late pretty late.

He flopped onto the living room couch turned on his phone seeing a message from Yoongi a smile creeping into his face just seeing it was from Yoongi.

He clicked on it


Thanks for the food it was nice

"Damn it!" Hoseok said seeing it was sent 1 hour ago he had been so busy talking to his family and trying to figure out ways to fix their problems that he totally ignored his phone going off but family is family.


Sorry for the late reply I was busy
sorting out some problems also
Your welcome I'm glad you thought
It was nice 😁😁

To Hoseok surprise Yoongi replied immediately almost as if he had been waiting for Hoseok reply the whole time.

Chapter 18
Word count:1085

Hey guys, I'm slowly trying to come back from my break, so I'll be trying to post at least once a week.

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