Chapter '7'

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Yoongi and Hoseok had breakfast and Hoseok was now re-cleaning the already cleaned apartment earlier, he just wanted to re-clean it for some reason.

He then went into he shower, Yoongi showering after him once they were done Yoongi read while Hoseok played on his phone

"Hoseok what time are your friends coming?" Yoongi asked putting his book down besides him "they should be here soon" the younger respond pausing his game.

Yoongi was more important than his game.

"What... What are they like?" Yoongi hesitantly asked "Hmm there's Taehyung he's quite, theres Lisa she's like a second mom, and lastly theres Jisoo I swear she's always hyper" Hoseok explained.

Yoongi just hummed "I should have told you but you can invite your friends too it might be a bit late now though" Hoseok said "I'm ok I'll probably just be in the room reading or studying" Yoongi quickly assured.

"what do you study?" Hoseok asked "English, physics, music" he said "why, I mean you finished school, so what's the point?" Hoseok raised and eyebrow.

"I like it" Yoongi told "well, you don't have to stay in the room you can stay with us if you want but it's up to you" Hoseok offered "thanks but I think I'll stay in the room you can just call me if you need me" the older said.

"You can come out whenever you want it's not like it's a secret that we're living together, and their gonna be here for a while" Hoseok said.

Maybe Yoongi shouldn't have been bothered by Hoseok saying that they were living together but he just expected more, he expected more.

"I guess but should I go now?" He asked "no Yoongi just stay here and go if you want to go just because my friends are coming over" the other responded.

"But I don't want to get in your way" He said "you won't" the younger assured, then it hit him ~'•What if one of my friends did something to him at the party?•'~

"You know any of my friends bothered you at the party then just let me know and I-" Yoongi cut him off "no they didn't do anything" he confirmed.

The younger went to say something but stopped when he heard his phone go off, he had received a message, picking up his phone he checked who had texted him.

But when he saw who it was he rolled his eyes and put my phone back down.

Seeing his reaction Yoongi grew curious as to who it was "Who is it?" He asked though he seemed a bit hesitant.

To some it might be a bit rude or annoying but Hoseok didn't mind if anything he liked it. Though he took some time to respond not knowing how Yoongi would react knowing it was his ex.

"....Nancy" Hoseok mumbled "you have her number?" Yoongi asked unintentionally raising an eyebrow "yeah when your dating someone you usually get their number" Hoseok stated sarcasm could be heard in his voice.

"I know" Yoongi rolled his eyes slightly nonetheless he felt happy, being with Hoseok made him happy, though he probably wouldn't admit it.

"What did she say?" He asked still a bit hesitant but feeling a little braver than last time "ooh~ someone seems jealous" Hoseok teased "if you don't want to tell me then just say so, but don't make up things to get me not to ask because it won't work" Yoongi stated.

"Ok ok, I said showing him the message she sent me.


،;Are you free today?،;

"Why does she call you Seokie?" Yoongi asked once again his eyebrow raising slightly "I don't know it's just a nickname she made up" the younger shrugged "aren't you gonna reply?" He asked as the other moved his phone.

"Why do I need to reply when I have you?" Hoseok asked though Yoongi could hear the smirk that Hoseok tried to hid, "I don't know how many girls you have used that on but it's not working on me, we aren't even dating" he said getting up.

Though that was a lie, Hoseok words obviously made him happy even if he didn't show it, so taking his book with him he walked over to the room, stopping when Hoseok spoke again.

"Technically we are dating, But I haven't used that on any girls, only used it on you" the younger confessed honestly none of them got to see his messages regardless of who it was or what they said.

And none of them made Hoseok feel like saying those words to them, It was like Yoongi had this special effect on him that made him do whatever he needed.

"Just focus on your game" Yoongi said walking into their room, though he came out a few seconds later he was wearing a coat and cap "Where are you going?" The younger asked?

"I'm going to get some books" Yoongi told "let me come with you" Hoseok offered but Yoongi quickly rejected the offer saying "no your friends are coming soon and you need to let them in".

"Fine but make sure you call me if anything happens or you feel like your in danger, try to be as quick as possible and don't le-" the older cut him off "I'm going to be fine Hoseok I'm not 5" he assured.

"You don't have to be 5 to be in danger" Hoseok stated pulling him into a hug which seemed to have shocked Yoonhi more than expected "shit" he cursed feeling his cheeks heat up as heart began pounding.

Hesitantly Yoongi wrapped his arms around Hoseok leaning into his embrace who knew a hug could feel so fucking good?

Though much to Yoongi's dislike Hoseok eventually pulled away, even though Yoongi was a bit sad he spoke first saying "Don't just hug me randomly like that" he said "sorry, did I scare you?" Hoseok asked his face showing he was sorry.

"A little" Yoongi admitted "anyways I need to go now" he added going to put his shoes on not wanting to say anything more.

"Got your keys?" Hoseok asked "yep" "your phone?" "Got it" "I feel like you should take a pocket knife just incase" "Hoseok I'm going to be fine ok" Yoongi assured opening the front door.

"If you need me to come pick you up just call me ok" Hoseok said "ok" Yoongi replied he turned to leave but stopped and quickly turned back around.

~'•We're gonna get married anyways•'~ he thought grabbing onto Hoseok's top and pulling him down into a kiss, it was short, it was sweet, Hoseok lips were soft.

It was Yoongi's first kiss, and he loved it.

Though before Hoseok had a chance to respond to the kiss Yoongi pulled away smiling "bye" he said walking out and shutting the door behind him.

Gosh Hoseok had never been so flustered over a simple kiss
Nor had he ever enjoyed a kiss that much.


Chapter 7
Word count:1170

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