Chapter 40

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Dylan and Cattleya were sitting on the beach, her head's leaning on his shoulders. It took more than 5 minutes for Cattleya to stop crying and now they stare at the waves crashing to the shore. Distant voices of people and music can be heard from where they at. A cold night breeze blew Cattleya's hair away.

sneezed Cattleya.

"Sorry..." she said.

"It's getting cold. Let's go before you catch something."

The two of them went back to where the rest of them were before they went to their respective rooms. That night, Dylan wasn't able to sleep.


Mrs. Esquivel and Antonio left early. Dr. Catherine and Dr. Paul were up so they managed to send them off. The rest of the gang just woken up and enjoyed their breakfast. They spent their day swimming in the pool and sea, building sandcastles, play games and many more that all of them were already at their limit even though half of the day passed by. Antonio came back after lunch time. Dr. Catherine and Dr. Paul were talking to him more, Cattleya realized.

They played charades at the beach with a bonfire. As usual, the Rodriguez couple went in early and left the kids to play. 

"I can't believe this is our last night here. Time flies by so fast," said Shawn.

"Another week till the start of the second semester enrollment..." Tom added.

"Hey, if we have the same subjects next semester then we should enroll in the same classes," Dylan suggested.

"Ugh, don't want to be classmate with you...," Olivia teased.

"Well, you are welcome to join us if you change your mind."

Olivia was taken aback with what Dylan said. Usually, he would over-react and be childish about it.

"What's with you?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting...I don't know...mature?"


"I mean, that's not you..."

Dylan made a face and the rest of them laughed.

Antonio laughed then he stopped. Cattleya looked at him, his eyes staring at the fire. While she was busy looking at him, he turned his face to her and saw that she was staring at him. He smiled at her.

"I believe I won't be able to do that." Antonio said.

Others turned to his direction and stared.

"What do you mean?" Shawn said still smiling. "Don't be like Liv. We will not have any problems if there are group projects..."

"I'm going to the States."

Shawn's smile was still there but it slowly faded. Tom's eyes went huge. Dylan stared at Antonio. Liv just stared at the fire, and Cattleya clenched her fists which were under the blanket.

"Why are you going to the States?" Maxon broke the silence.

"Study photography. "

"Good for you man," he said as he patted Antonio's back.

"Yeah, good for you Rian." followed Shawn.

"That's awesome." added Tom.

"Are you going with Professor Cielo?" Dylan asked.

"Yes," he answered.

"So you'll be leaving next week?" Maxon asked this time.


Liv stood up and clapped her hands once, taking the attention from Antonio to her.

"Well, since we're here already...let's do a farewell party for Rian. You three, get us some drinks and food." as she pointed to Shawn, Dylan and Tom.

"Now, Fleur and Maxon go to the lounge area and borrow the truth or dare cards, also get your guitar Maxon."

"While me and Rian will tidy this place and ask for more firewood."

The five of them went to do Liv's orders. Liv and Antonio we're the only ones left at the bonfire. When Liv saw that everybody were already far, she grabbed Antonio's hand, who just stood up. She dragged him far from the bonfire.

"Are you really sure?" she said as she let go of his hand.


"Have you thought this through?"

He nodded, "I'm not just following Calypso. I'm also going there because of my dream."

"Does Tita Leila know about this already?"

"Yes, I talked to her earlier."

"Rian, I'm gonna ask you for the last time. Are you sure about this?"

He made deep sigh. He nodded and smiled.

He hugged Liv and Liv hugged him back.

"Now, let's finish tidy up the place and ask for more firewood."

Meanwhile at the lounge area.

"Hey, I've already got my guitar. Did you get the cards?" Maxon asked.

"Yes. I have them already."

"Let's go."

While they were walking, Maxon looked up and saw that there were many stars in the night sky.

"Look, Cattie." he said as he pointed at the stars.

"They look incredible. There are so many of them tonight.

"I thinks it's twice as much as the last ti-me..."

Maxon cut off his sentence and lowered his hand. He grabbed Cattleya's hands and squeezed it.

"I know that you don't want to talk about it. But please...let me properly apologize for what happened."

" know it's not your fault." she said.

"No, the fault of my parents is also my fault. Mother should've not said anything. Dad should've kept quiet about it."


"Cattie, I'm so sorry you have to learn about it that way. If I could turn back time,I..."

"If you turned back the time now, you won't be able to do anything. We were just kids. Sure, mom and dad got angry at your parents telling me because they want it to come from themselves. They're close friends and I'm pretty sure the years that they were apart from each other...those wounds are already healed. Including mine."

Maxon did not say anything.

"Max...being adopted is not a bad thing. Learning what happened to my real parents, it gave me peace. You know, ever since I was young, mom and dad's colleagues would ask why don't I look like them. Why are my eyes not like theirs or why my complexion is not like theirs..."

Cattleya squeezed his hand.

"I was so lost and I can't bring myself to ask mom and dad about it, until that dinner. So don't be sorry anymore. Now, I'm freer than a wild bird."


"Are you gonna say sorry again?" she kidded.

"N-o. But I want to tell you something."

"What about?"

As Maxon spoke the words he wanted Cattleya to know, she became stiff and numb. She lets go of Maxon's hand and she dropped the cards on to the sand. 

How did you know?  her panicking thoughts said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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