Chapter 35

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The auditorium is bustling with a lot of people being escorted to their seats. Every end of the semester, the scenario is like this. Cattleya's parents are sitting somewhere in the center. Antonio, together with his mother, Tita Leila, also went. Professor Cielo invited Tita Leila but she was going because of Cattleya.

Shawn, Tom, Liv and Dylan were also present. Then moments later, the lights died down to signal the start of the play. The light slowly lit up the stage and revealed a background of Greek buildings, with columns and olives and draperies. Cattleya went out and was gliding on the stage with flowers on her hand. Maxon who was hiding in one of the columns stepped out and caught Cattleya's hands and turned her around. He kept her steady then made her face the audience. He hugged her by her waist then rested her head on her shoulders.

"My Thisbe..." he said lovingly.

"Pyramus, my love," replied Cattleya as she turned her face then her body around to face Maxon. They exchanged a loving smile with each other then hugged again. A voice from the sound system then began to narrate the play.

"Pyramus a beautiful youth and Thisbe, the loveliest maiden of Babylon, love each other since they were little. Each day they grew up, they longed to be together and be married to each other,"

"Someday, I will marry you my love," said Pyramus as he kissed Thisbe's hand.

"And I'll wait for that day."

"But their parents forbade their love." As the narrator told the story, Cattleya as Thisbe and Maxon as Pyramus act lovingly and were holding hands but then was separated with their own respective families, who made an appearance.



"Their families called their names, which shocked them."

"Father!" exclaimed Cattleya in her voice which is full of shock.

Hands trying to reach the other but it was in vain.

Then the two were dragged away from each other. The light slowly went off as they exit the stage. When the lights on stage went on, it revealed a set of two rooms of two house, divided by a thin wall.

"Their households side by side..." the narrator "separated by thin wall,"

"You shall not meet that man again!"

"But father! I love him! I love Pyramus! "

"You are not allowed to meet him, ever. Forget those feelings of yours!

"Pyramus, I forbid you to meet with that woman! Their family is evil! It is better for you to find another lover."

"No! I cannot do that! I will not do that!"

Then the light slowly dimmed leaving only a spotlight focused on Cattleya and Maxon, sitting back to back on the wall as they show distress.

"However, LOVE cannot be forbidden also LOVE always finds away. The wall that separates their household has a little hole. As days passed, Thisbe and Pyramus would secretly talk by the wall and the longer they spent talking, the deeper their love grow. It was also torture, day by day, they talk but cannot see each other's face and feel the embrace of the other."

"My, Thisbe..." said Maxon, "I longed to see you face to face and talk to you. I longed to touch your hand and kiss your lips..."

"Pyramus, my love. I longed for you as well. I can no longer stand to be apart from you..."

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