Chapter 6

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That night, Cattleya reviewed her essay on European history. However, she still couldn't stop thinking about Antonio. He invited her to go to their PechaKucha, yet he never showed.

Maybe he's with...she brushed off the thought and continued to review her essay.

The day went by so fast, and the Biology class ended.  All-day she did not see Antonio's shadows. She went home using her shortcut route, hoping she would at least see him or bumped into him and she's prepared whatever she might see. Just then, she saw the missing man that got out of a car, but he wasn't alone. He's with her.

An ache crept into her heart. She knew that there would be a chance she will saw them together. But why was she feeling like this? Sure it was just a crush, it still hurts. The two of them saw Cattleya.

"Hey, Cattleya!" he called.

"Hi." She greeted back. Prof. Cielo smiled at her.

"Hello, ma'am,"

"Going home already?" she asked never seem to mind that Cattleya saw them together.


Then Prof. Martinez, a fellow literature teacher, called Prof. Cielo. She excused herself and left the two.

"Where were you last night? I didn't see you at the PechaKucha."

Antonio sighed.

"Well, something happened, and I forgot to text you...I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. I was just asking. Dylan was there so..."

Antonio nodded, but there was something with those eyes that Cattleya couldn't pinpoint about.

"Still thank you for inviting me to go there. I had a lot of fun. I can't wait to attend the next PechaKucha."

"No,problem.I'm glad there's a next time," his eyes were gleaming as he smiled. This made Cattleya stopped breathing, momentarily.

"Next time I won't ditch," he promised.

"Seriously, it's okay."

Both of them laughed. They didn't notice someone was staring at them.

"I have to go now. Have to catch dinner."

"Maybe we can have dinner sometime."

"Sure," she couldn't hide her enthusiasm, her cheeks were warm, and she doesn't care if Antonio noticed or teased her about her tomato colored cheeks. She's too happy. 

After dinner, Cattleya wrote to her diary. Her little journal would be, for now, the only thing that knows of what these blossoming feelings are.

It's Sunday. Cattleya went to church. It's her first time to attend mass without her parents. She recalled whenever her parent's church mates came to their house for prayer meetings and together with their children. She had a lot of fun playing with the kids.  Her thoughts were disturbed by a voice calling her name.

"Cattleya?" their eyes met, and for a moment she felt something in her heart.

"Antonio? What are you doing here?"

"Well, this is a church, is it not? Of course, I came here to attend the mass."

Realizing what she said sounded rude, she apologized. 

"Don't worry about it. I was surprised to see you here. I just keep on bumping into you."

Before she could answer, the bell rang to signal the start of the mass. Both of them did not talk to each other and were focused on the readings and the sermon of the priest. When it was time to sing "Our Father," Cattleya felt shivers run through her buddy. His hands took hers and held it tight.  Holding hands with Antonio made her heart race; she tried to concentrate and sing along. As the people sang loudly, the hold tightened that made Cattleya open her eyes. She looked at him. He was singing, eyes closed. 

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