Chapter 25

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The game continued. They drew lots again and this time Cattleya drew the King's mark. She picked an order from the box and let Tom read it after giving him the numbers.

"Let number 2 remove number 3's shirt," said Tom "If you disobey you'll have to remove your pants too." Tom added which made him received a slapped from Cattleya.

"Who's the King? It's me remember? I'm not quite comf..."

"It's okay Lea, you're blindfolded. You won't be able to see a thing," he kidded which made him earned another slap from her.

"Raise your hands little Rian!" cooed Shawn.

Oh my gosh! Antonio's going shirtless and I'm blindfolded! No fair! she thought, Did I just think that it's unfair?

She shook her head slightly.

They drew another round and this time, Antonio was the King.

"Numbers 1 and 2 will do nose to nose."

"I'm number 1" said Tom. Cattleya traced her slip again and it was number 2.

"I'm num-ber t-wo." she mumbled.

When Antonio heard Cattleya's number he quickly interrupted and went to give them the punishment, more like a punishment to Tom only. He pinched his cheeks really hard that made Tom shout in pain.

"What do you do that for?" he complained.

"Punishment." Antonio plainly said.

Then the there was a beeping sound. The three boys looked in the direction of the sound and saw it was Cattleya's bag.

Antonio shook his head with a silly grin and looked at Cattleya.

"30 minutes before curfew." He said to himself as he watched Cattleya trying to untie the blindfold.

"I'm sorry guys." She apologized, "but I have to go. I promised my dorm manager I'll be home before curfew." She said still trying to untie the blindfold when a pair of hands helped her untie it.

When the blindfold came off, Cattleya met those gorgeous pair of eyes.

"Thanks." She said.

'I'll drive you home."

"We'll stay here. Let's have a sleepover. It's been a long time." Said Shawn.

Antonio nodded.

"It was a lovely night. Thank you," Cattleya said as she grabbed her bag, "See you tomorrow at campus." She waved goodbye at them.

They arrived at the campus' dorm and Cattleya unbuckled her seatbelt. She thanked Antonio again for the dinner and the ride and bid him goodnight. She was about to get out of the car when Antonio held her wrist.

"Yes?" she asked him bewildered.

"Uh, do you want to have another photography class with me?"

Cattleya's eyes brightened. It's been awhile since their first class.

"I love to. When?"

"This Saturday. You game?"

"Sure. But are we going to the lavender field again?"

"No, we'll go somewhere else."




"Goodnight, Cattleya."

They waved at each other. Antonio drove away and Cattleya went inside the dorm.

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