Chapter 36

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The next day, Cattleya have a full schedule. First, she needed to pass her final papers to her professors. Next, she has to talk to Coach Natalie about their finals for the swimming class and finally go to the auditorium and prepare the control room for their play for their literature class.

 She barely slept last night. Mainly the reason was what happened that very night.

Cattleya and Maxon joined the other group, Cattleya's parents, Mrs. Esquivel, Antonio, Shawn, Tom, Dylan and Liv in their table since, They excused theirselves from the drama club but promised that they'll come back in a bit to join the fun.

The table was lively, so lively the reason was Cattleya's parents were sharing some of her embarassing photos and stories with her friends, her crush and her mom's crush. But it did not bother her at all, she joined the conversation and so did Maxon, sharing some stories too.

Then Cattleya went to the restroom but when she got out she bumped into someone. She was going to apologize but when she saw his face, her mind went blank. Panic was running through her blood. She also felt a lump on her throat. Their table was pretty faraway from the restroom and nobody was around within 15 meter radius. Her hands were sweating because of the nervousness and fear. She was about to make an attempt to run and avoid the guy but her legs failed her. Then the guy took a step forward and her, a step back. She closed her eyes wishing that guy would just vanish. She wished that it was only a figment of her imagination. But it didn't work. The guy was still approaching her, getting near her as she tried to step back to get away from him. The guy raised his right hand and Cattleya closed her eyes again, hoping that someone would pass by.

"L:ea?" someone called her name and after that there was a loud sound of someone being punched. 

When Cattleya opened her eyes, she was surprised to see Dylan beside her, the guy on the floor with a bleeding lip. Dylan looked at her, making sure she was okay. Like a little girl, she grabbed Dylan's hands and held it tight. In response, Dylan too held her hand and looked at the guy.

"Why are you following Lea?" Dylan asked the guy, with gritting teeth."What's your motive?"

The guy got up then touched his bleeding lips.

"Dude, I was only trying to say sorry." the guy answered.

Both of them were surprised on what the guy said. 

"Well, you have a creepy way of  doing it. You shouldn't follow a girl in the restrooms or anything." 

The guy sighed, then he looked at Cattleya then at Dylan, " Look, I came here to say I'm sorry. I was not on my right mind  that night. I was high you see..." he said looking ashamed.

"I really had no idea what I was doing. I act on impulse."

"What about the other night when you saw us eating in the restaurant, why didn't you apologized?"

"Well, I wanted to but when I saw her face became white and became uncomfortable when our eyes met, I thought it wasn't the right time to apologize."

Dylan was about to say something when Megan appeared.

"Me-gan?" Cattleya exclaimed. 

"Hi." then she looked at guy with bleeding lips.

"Who did this to you, brother?" she said as she went to the guy's side.

"Brother!?" Dylan and Cattleya both exclaimed.

"Yes. He's my brother, Marion. He said that he was going to meet someone here. But what happened? Who did this to you?"

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