Chapter 33

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Dylan looked at his back; since Cattleya was staring passed his shoulders. He saw Antonio and Professor Cielo, quite shock on what they witnessed. Dylan's ears grew red and he let go of Cattleya's hands. He greeted the two and asked where they headed to.

"We were just heading to the parking lot. I'm sorry about the interruption, we didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just happened." Professor Cielo explained and smiled to the both of them.

Dylan grew red and so does Cattleya. Professor Cielo grabbed Antonio's arms and pulled him to continue walking. She caught Cattleya's eyes who was avertly avoiding her gaze.

"They'll make a lovely couple, too bad I was betting on Maxon." She said to Antonio.

Professor Cielo noticed that Antonio's spacing out. The two of them just walked towards the parking lot without looking back.

"I'm sorry if I shocked you with my confession, but I thought I need to tell you how I really feel about you." Dylan said.

Cattleya was still silent, she was lost for words to say to Dylan. It's the first time she'd been confessed to. Dylan reached her hand," You probably don't have romantic feelings for me," he said

"You don't have to answer right away,I mean I'm asking you to be my girlfriend would be too rush so maybe courting you would be the first thing...but saying I like you is not a questions so there's really no need for you to answer but" he was flustered as a result he's mumbling. Cattleya looked at him and saw how he felt awkward. So he squeezed his hand that was holding hers.

"Thank you Dy," she smiled,

Dylan gave a big sigh and smiled.

"Okay, let's get you home."


The next day, Shawn, Tom, Antonio and Liv were at the cafeteria. They were waiting for Cattleya but when she arrived, Dylan was with her too. Shawn immediately noticed how Dylan became like a glue to Cattleya so he's laughing inside and looked at Antonio, whose eyebrows were almost meeting in the middle.

Liv, too, also noticed how Dylan was a little bit caring to Cattleya than he was before, like really extra-caring while Tom was just being Tom

When the girls went to go to the restroom, Dylan was then ambushed with questions by Shawn.

"Dylan, bro...tell me honestly. Are you courting Lea ? Or better yet, are you two know."

Tom stopped chewing his food, Antonio grabbed his water and drink it and Shawn put his arms around Dylan's neck waiting for him to answer.


"Kinda? What's that supposed to mean?Kinda what?" Shawn said in disbelief. Antonio clenched his jaw.

"I don't know, but I confessed to her last night and she said thank you because I said she doesn't have to answer me right away..."

Shawn shook his head.

"You're such a novice. You should have taken her right there on the spot. WHY DID YOU SAY THAT KIND OF THING!? You're making things difficult for you bro."

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked.

"He means that someone might steal her from you."

Dylan became uncomfortable, "Like who?"

Shawn was surprised with Dylan's question. He looked at Antonio who was playing with his food, then smirked.

"Like that guy," he said as he pointed his finger at Antonio. Antonio raised his head and looked at the finger that was pointing to him.

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