A Storm is Coming - 2

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Even though Kaeya has shown up, he has only talked to Albedo with little words that he can contribute. Other than that it isn't so different, but Klee seems to be enjoying this new presence. Albedo is glad though, Kaeya's company is keeping Klee's attention at bay so that he could work on the newest craft he has been working on.

Albedo was expecting a lot of socializing once Kaeya came along without proper notice beforehand. It's what everyone in Mondstadt says about him, a smooth talker that spends most of his time at Angel's Share bar. Just thinking about the loud environment and the alcoholic smell makes Albedo cringe, it's a place he would probably never see himself at.

"I wanna blow the snow up!" Klee laughs as she throws snow into the air to imitate an explosion. Kaeya laughs, though a bit nervously, "Now, now. What'd we say about Master Jean?"

She pouts, "That I wouldn't see the light of day if I did."

She crosses her arms and sits on the floor, "But I don't want to go into solitary confinement again, but it's no fun if I don't blow stuff up!"

He tries to give her a scolding expression but it doesn't work as well as Jean, he isn't the type to scold her. He shrugs then and picks her up and whirls her around in the air, "It's okay Klee, we have plenty of other things to do. But do me a favor and go out and find some fish to blow up."

She excitedly nods her head, "I won't go too far!" and she's already gone.

Kaeya quietly chuckles and realizes that Albedo has been looking at him. "What is it?" he asks with a small smile.

Albedo shakes his head and refocuses his attention. "You seem really good with kids."

Kaeya sits down on an extra chair and ponders for a moment. "I suppose, but I think I get along with Klee just because she isn't just any ordinary kid," he looks off into the distance but the thought makes him laugh.

"I guess it works since you aren't very ordinary yourself." Albedo states. Kaeya watches over him as he meticulously puts different materials into whatever it is he is trying to make. Kaeya isn't interested in Alchemy though, he's interested in the Alchemist.

He gets up then and walks over to Albedo. "Seems interesting, the method is a bit different though." Kaeya playfully pries.

"This is how I've always done it, but it seems it might be out of your ordinary practice." Albedo doesn't look at him as his attention is solely on his work.

Kaeya takes a crystal out of his hand and holds it up to the light. Albedo is frustrated as this person who decided to let himself into his workspace without permission is now tinkering with his work. "Don't you think you stay up in this place too long? It wouldn't hurt to get out. Work isn't life, you know that."

Albedo doesn't want to have this conversation, he's content with the schedule he has. The only people he really wants to speak to are his students and of course, Klee. "It's fine, it's how I choose to live." If Kaeya wanted a reaction he didn't seem to get it because he slips the crystal back into his hand.

"Suit yourself. But living in the bitter cold like this doesn't seem ideal. Don't you at least want a better workplace in Mondstadt?"

"Too many people, I've tried but no one ever gave me time. Especially Klee." And with that Kaeya laughs, incredibly much.

"She really is a menace that little ball of fire. She always talks about you, how you know so many things. She learns most of what she knows from you. Sounded interesting, so here I am." he says with a somewhat genuine smile. Albedo looks over at him. "Is that all? It seems trivial for you. I know you always lurk around for something more than that."

Kaeya smirks, "Nope, you just perked my interest is all."

Albedo is confused, nothing is adding up. "I-" Suddenly a thunderstorm can be heard from outside. A little figure is running into the opening. "Kaeya! I think I made the clouds angry!" Klee runs in. Kaeya scoops her up, "What's the matter?"

She shakes her head and points out to the snow that is starting to pour, "The snow started to fall really hard, like ice falling on my head. Maybe I blew up too many fish."

She started to sniffle but Kaeya calmed her down by petting her head, "It's not your fault Klee, it might be Albedo's."

"What?" he counters. Kaeya laughs, "I'm kidding, it must be a storm. A snowstorm, but dragonspine usually doesn't have storms at this intensity." He looks out at the snow and tries to go out but the forceful air pushes him back in.

"Are you okay?" Klee tugs on his shirt. "I'm fine, but this storm is strong. We have to wait and hope it dies out. Albedo, is there a much warmer area for us to be in? I don't think Klee and I will last."

Albedo simply nods, taking a blanket from within a drawer and wrapping it around Klee.

"None for me?" Kaeya asks with a hint of sarcasm. "I only have one more," Albedo answers, "You can have it."

Klee shakes her head no, "Share! I don't want you guys to be cold!" Kaeya chuckles as Klee seems visibly upset and worried.

"We have to listen to you since you seem so sure," he smiles at Klee then peers up at the alchemist, "Is that okay with you?"

Albedo looks at the blanket and back at Klee, he's already defeated. "I guess so, come now, we can go deeper into the cave."

Klee claps her hands and goes first. "This seems a bit unfortunate, I was going to drink wine later." Kaeya sighs. Albedo looks at him with a questioning face.

"Alcohol isn't good for your body."  "Everyone says that just let me enjoy something will you." he shoots back but he says it with a smile and a laugh.

Klee grabs both their arms. "Hurry up!" she grins, "I started the fire to be warm!"

Kaeya follows suit and Albedo is right behind them. Albedo can't help but feel a bit better, though this whole interaction has been odd and the cavalry captain decided to show up from nowhere, he feels at peace.

Kaeya stops and faces him, "You coming? I don't want you getting cold either."

He walks over and sits by the fire and Kaeya right next to him. It seems the cavalry captain may not know what personal space means but before he could protest, Klee sits between them. "Now we can all be warm!" she giggles with a bright smile. "Absolutely right Klee, let's hope your big brother here doesn't get frostbite." he laughs.

Oh Celestia, they are both a menace.

(AN- haha get it, frostbite? Anyways, some fluff for you. That's my food for the day)

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