Weakness - 23

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(TW: Violence and blood)

It has felt as if the battle was endless. Albedo's body is convulsing within itself, every breath he seems to take is like hot fire that burns. His throat is on fire, from the pain of his injection and the pain of his voice giving out from trying to stop Kaeya - to stop him from getting killed.

But it's no use, so he helplessly watches the fight in pain and agony. His eyelids are heavy and he doesn't know how much longer he can stay conscious. But he keeps his eyes open, he simply can't let the Cavalry Captain die.

Kaeya's face is slashed, the claws had almost dug so deep that could've left a severe gash. His arms are shaking severely but the grip on his sword is strong, like he's holding onto it for dear life. His hair is heavily disheveled, stained red from his own blood. And his legs have been cut all over, but he stands his ground firm.

He's not going down so easily.

The Herald, admittedly, hasn't taken on quite the injuries that Kaeya has. He laughs a bit at quite the sight before him, as if it's still all a twisted game in the eyes of the abyss.

"Their Royal highness knows of you." The Herald speaks, and so easily at that.

Kaeya doesn't care for conversation, he just wants to end this quickly. But the Abyss Herald decides to monologue anyway.

"Kheanri'ah, a nation without a god. But what good did that get us," the gritting of teeth echoes in the room, "And you poor soul, being left behind to spy on the filthy Mondstadt people. Amongst them, the people you thought would care for you, would eventually be the ones to want your untimely end."

Kaeya hitches his breath, "Stop fucking talking."

The Herald chuckles before surging forward to grab Kaeya by the throat. Lifting him by his neck and slamming him against the wall. Kaeya coughs violently, the sudden movement was something he wasn't expecting. He struggles slightly, dropping his sword and trying desperately to wiggle out of his grasp. But it's useless.

The Herald leans in to whisper in his ear, "You are nothing more than the burden your father thought you were. And that young Ragnvindr should have killed you that day, but maybe I can finish you off? Since you crave death so utterly, maybe I ought to. It'll be all the more sweet if your precious Alchemist watches."

Kaeya is losing air, and he's also losing morale. The words cut him deeper than the claws ever could. It's as if someone had taken all of his negative thoughts and thrown it back at him. It hurts to hear it from someone else.

"Silent are we? You really are just weak."

The Herald ticks his tongue before throwing Kaeya onto the concrete, his body rolls near Albedo. His body is limp and he doesn't want to get up, everything hurts.

"Kaeya..." Albedo's voice is almost blown out, it's faint but it's still there. He's crawling over to Kaeya's beaten up body. "Don't die," is all he can whisper.

"This is pathetic to watch," the Herald says begrudgingly. His hand reaches down, about to grab Albedo this time, before a voice is heard from beyond the concrete door.

"Their Highness calls for you sir."

The Herald grunts and gets up slowly, "It seems I was cut short, no matter, this was getting boring anyway."

He doesn't leave without kicking Kaeya in the stomach though, which makes the Captain cough violently. Some blood being coughed up in the process.

Albedo winces and watches as the Herald leaves. The concrete door shutting, there isn't a way out. But Albedo isn't thinking about that, he's worried that Kaeya is on the brink of death.

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