Needles - 37

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Kaeya sits at the edge of the bed. His hands clasped together as he stares at the floor. He feels a light tug on his shirt and turns his head slightly. Klee rubs her eye as she yawns, her grip not letting up.

Her voice is groggily, and it's hushed to a whisper, "Mister Kaeya? Are you leaving?"

He pats her head and she leans into it, "No, I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"About how much fun I had yesterday, you really surprised me." He smiles and pinches her cheeks.

She giggles and feels a stir behind her. Albedo had turned in his deep slumber, his face completely calm. Kaeya shushes her, a single finger to his lips.

"Don't wake him up, he looks cute like that."

She sighs, "You like him too much, I'm going to Master Jean now."

The little girl wastes no time, grabbing her belongings and putting on her boots. She goes to open the door before turning around with a mischievous look on her face. "WAKE UP SUCROSE FINALLY MADE A TALKING FROG!!!" She runs out immediately.

Albedo's entire body shoots up and he looks around frantically. "WHERE?!" He screams out before realizing just how loud he had been. He covers his mouth in embarrassment and Kaeya can't help but laugh out loud.

"A talking frog?" He wipes away his tears of laughter.

"Oh please don't say a word, she merely brought it up once and it intrigued me. But Klee seems to be smart, it woke me up faster than anything ever could." Albedo sounds ashamed in that regard so he lays his head back down on the bed.

"Sorry for the disruption, good morning love," Albedo smiles, grazing his hand over Kaeya's.

Kaeya clasps it and brings it up to his lips and kissing it ever so slightly. As if it is fragile like porcelain glass. "Good morning, you look lovely when you sleep~"

"In much different context that would sound disturbing," Albedo chuckles, his hand touches the Captain's face. Kaeya uses it as an indicator to lean down. "Yesterday was lovely, thank you."

It's a whisper of appreciation, something so small but so big for him. Albedo would do it a thousand times over if he could see Kaeya smile so genuinely again and again. "It was no burden," he pulls Kaeya closer and kisses him with everything he has, "I would give you as much love as I could muster."

"Who knew you would be such a romantic," Kaeya wraps his arms around his waist, pulling the two of them closer, "I love you so, so much."

Albedo lays his head onto Kaeya's chest, breathing him in and hearing his heart beat. It quickens and no doubt because of the Alchemist. "Klee and I may or may not have left Sucrose and Rosaria behind. I want to thank them for helping for your birthday celebration as well."

Kaeya huffs, "But I wanna stay with you in this comfy little room."

The Alchemist kisses him with a smile, "Now, now. That's incredibly unethical."

"But it's comforting, I could stare at you all day. You make me feel so much, it's terrifyingly incredible."

Albedo laughs slightly, snuggling up against his lover. Basking in this newly found feeling for just a little longer. "I would as well, but as much as I would love to be trapped in a room with you for eternity- we have work to do."

And so he gets up and takes off his shirt to throw on his collared blue button up. But Kaeya gasps and Albedo whips his head around.


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