The Stars In Your Eyes - 18

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Albedo is utterly shocked with himself. Truly and utterly embarrassed with himself. He had revealed a secret held close to his heart to a person who honestly deserves the world. The Archons surely know how to bless him.

Kaeya is so many words he can't possibly begin to describe. He could create so many things with his alchemy but the one thing that he can never recreate is the Captain's wonderful laugh. Gods his laugh is intoxicating and pulls him in to leave everything to waste and fall at his feet. Or the way he gets quiet when he's trying to be honest, the way he sleeps with his hair messy over the bed, or when his golden eye shines like a thousand stars.

The Alchemist feels like a prince, a prince with gold laid out in front of him.

"Where did you say the Honorary Knight and Klee were?"

Albedo is snapped out of his thoughts. He had been staring at Kaeya the entirety of their leave from the tavern. He has never been this enamored with anything or frankly anyone before.

"Uh- It's the next day so they would most likely be in the knight's headquarters. I told Klee whenever I am not present, she should go to Lisa to rest. If not the ocean is also our best bet." Albedo clears his throat, composing himself.

If Kaeya had seen anything odd with the way he was behaving he didn't comment on it. He simply nodded, "We can check headquarters first, I need to check if Lisa decided to pile more paperwork on my desk again."

The walk back is a silent one. It's comfortable, Kaeya humming a bit and Albedo listens. It's nice that maybe this could be their everyday but Albedo knows better. The past week had been an interesting one, with so many things happening at once. It makes him wonder what else is to come, he doesn't want to think about the possibility that he would have to die eventually.

Eventually, meaning soon.

Though he hasn't told Kaeya of the particular detail that he is cursed. Doomed to destroy Mondstadt and lose himself in the darkness. Albedo has tried many things, researched and created as many things to delay his inevitable curse. Nothing has been successful.

But he desperately wants to hold and be held by Kaeya. If only he were normal like everyone else. Though he desires Kaeya with all of himself, he won't be able to give Kaeya what he needs.

Kaeya holds Albedo's hand, hesitantly but he does it. He doesn't say anything but it's as if he sensed something was bothering Albedo. The Captain has seen too much of him, too much of his vulnerability and now it's as if he can read him like an open book.

The Alchemist pulls his hand away, too many mixed emotions and he can't think properly while Kaeya holds his hand as if it's the only thing that matters. The silence now is unbearable, the push and pull they are having is nagging at the Captain.

"Are you-"

"We should go inside," Albedo interrupts, they both hadn't realized it but they were standing in front of the headquarters, "I was just feeling a bit dizzy."

A lie.

Kaeya doesn't understand what's going on. Everything was great but great things don't last for so long, they will need to talk maybe but it seems that Albedo is still guarding something. Little by little he'll figure it out but it seems patience is the key for both of them.

Albedo heads inside first, heading straight into the library. Most likely trying to find Lisa and ask if she had seen Klee. And so Kaeya walks up to his office. Going through his drawers and paperwork, it seems as if he only needs to sort through a stack or so. But a different request is seen, treasure hoarders and a mysterious person scaling the walls of Mondstadt.

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