A Strange Experiment - 12

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It's been a couple of days after Kaeya had almost met his end. That's being a little dramatic but the symptoms were severe. Now after a couple of days though, he felt pretty exquisite. But with being almost fully recovered Albedo doesn't visit him as often or rather not at all.

Kaeya is a little irritated but he knows he can't take up all of the Alchemist's time. Though that's the rational thought... he still wants Albedo to sit down next to him every day just to talk about some nonsense. His voice is incredibly soothing and the Captain drinks it up like addicting wine.

So instead of the Alchemist, his Apprentice regularly visits. It's not like he doesn't like Sucrose, she's incredibly kind and tries her best but she isn't the person he wants to see. But of course, he isn't going to be rude about it.

"Kaeya? I brought your daily medicine. We are going to reduce your dose to not overheat your body." She states, meticulously taking out different bottles and pouring half of what he usually drinks.

"Where did Albedo run off to?" He was flippant about the question but he was anxious to know.

She ponders for a moment before responding, "He's off doing work, most likely back in dragonspine or exploring whatever object that's caught his interest. He always does that, never telling anyone where he's usually going. Sometimes he can be gone for hours or days."

That makes Kaeya sigh with disappointment. He can't run off and try and find the Alchemist, he's going to have to go back to work and deal with thieves and treasure hoarders again. He's going to have to act like the past week didn't affect him emotionally like the Alchemist doesn't consume his waking thoughts. He can certainly try but he knows his curiosity and desires will not let him.

"What usually catches his attention?" He asks, an ulterior motive behind the simple question.

"Things that he's never seen or tried before. Usually, things that may not last or only happen in a moment. Everything interests him, people are very low on the bar but sometimes he still tries and learns from people. But objects that have purpose or creatures that are not so human are mostly the things he goes after."

She sets the medicine down on the bedside table, "I hope you make a fast recovery, Mister Albedo would be relieved to hear you are doing well."

She bows slightly out of politeness and makes her leave. Sucrose didn't realize that she may have created a bit of a storm with the information she just gave him. Now, Kaeya was going to do something he never did before.

Conduct an experiment.


Albedo had recently discovered tracks of some strange organism. He's been diligent with trying to found out what it is exactly and how it can be used in his alchemy.

He's glad that he can finally get back to work, with Kaeya being ill and Klee having run off again. Everything has been stressful and taxing on his body. He can't find the means to expel the stress, it's as if he's holding all of the things that burden him inside and he can't find a way to let it all out.

So he works as he usually does, sketching and crafting the things that interest him.

Though it's strange, he tries his hardest not to think of the blue-haired Captain, he subconsciously doodles him in the corners of his pages. When he's trying to work, Kaeya still finds his way into his mind. It makes him feel strange, like a longing for Kaeya to be right next to him while he works.

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