Forgotten Memories - 4

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Floating, it's a fleeting feeling. Kaeya's eye flutters open, his blue hair on his face and he looks around. It's warm and dark, a bright light shines from afar and it feels like he's in a tunnel of nothingness. A void, it must be a dream he thinks now.

He squints at the light trying to see what's beyond it. He suddenly gets sucked in and wants to scream but is unable.

"This is your chance. You are our last hope." The scene is being shaped but he already knows what's happening. Arms are gripped tight around his shoulders. He's a child again, a form he never wants to be in. Too many bad memories.

He looks at his father, the face is blank and it seems he can't even remember what he looks like anymore. "You must go to Mondstadt, don't look back."

And he was left there, his father gone and never to be seen again. He curled up within himself until a gentle hand reached out.

"You don't know a thing about betrayal!" A shout, it's desperate and Kaeya immediately recognizes it. Diluc, someone he cared for deeply was now looking at him with a grim desire for revenge. The flames are searing in the cold rain. Kaeya holding his sword firm but his whole body feels like it's going to shatter apart. "I'm sorry," he whispers because words can't get through to his brother anymore.

The memory is vivid but still feels foggy, the only thing that is distinct is the feel of flames and the clashing of their swords. "I thought you cared for him! You lied to him!" Diluc screaming and Kaeya trying to focus on keeping himself from burning alive.

"You never cared!" a blow that Kaeya remembers so clearly as if it was yesterday that may as well have killed him. In some ways maybe it should've, then Diluc wouldn't have to see him at the bar again and again. He wouldn't have to worry about Kheanr'iah or fulfilling the knights' duties.

He could be at peace, but he didn't. Of course he didn't because he can't die. Not like this.

The Cryo power sears through him and it comes out in a burst. Diluc is taken aback but keeps his ground. Kaeya feels cold, the power is strong and he hits back with all of his might.


Cold, it's cold. Too cold. Kaeya wakes up with a start, he tries to take a deep breath but he can't. Water, there's water all around him. It's freezing. Kaeya struggles to swim to the surface, there is ice all around him. 'Is this still a part of the dream?' he thinks but it feels too real.

He's swimming to the top, that's all that matters. He pushes through to the cold air but he's glad to have oxygen. He coughs violently and it sends him into a coughing fit. He swims to land and drags his body out, he's so cold. He's never been this cold before.

"F-fire..." his voice is scratchy and he huddles up. "Al... bedo," his hand tries to reach out and then he closes his eye, laying in the cold and unruly snow.


Albedo ran to the cave as fast as he could, his legs are killing him but he doesn't care. "Klee stay here, and don't go out," Albedo franticly wraps the blanket around her, "I'm going to go find Kaeya." She grips onto the edge of his shirt, "Make sure Mister Kaeya is okay, tell him Klee is sorry." her voice wavers, and she wipes her eyes.

He nods and runs out of the opening. The storm isn't as rampant as it was when they were out trying to find Klee. Albedo uses this to his advantage, "Kaeya!" he shouts. He's running now, digging in the snow. He goes back to the area when he found Klee.

"Kaeya please!" he shouts as loud as he can, "For the love of the Archons, where are you?!"

He slips and almost falls but he picks himself back up. Then he looks down the slope he had almost slipped down from. It's a steep fall, there is no way anyone could survive it. He squints and he realizes there's water at the bottom. He jumps and dives down straight into the freezing water. A big splash erupts and he's down under.

He's looking around as best he can but it's so dark in the water. If he was here for as long as Albedo thinks he's been, then Kaeya should be dead. Albedo swims up now, his hair is wet and it feels like he's going to freeze any moment. He feels horrible now, it's exactly how it was with his master. Everyone seems to leave him and nothing ever seems to go right.

He swims to the surface and shivers, the sheer cold is stacking up fast and it's clouding his vision.

But none of it matters when he sees a body sprawled on the snow. He's running now, his voice is screaming incoherently but he thinks he's screaming for Kaeya.

He falls to his knees and grabs onto Kaeya, his unconscious body. "Thank the Archons," his voice, breathy and shaken up. "You're alive."

Kaeya looks pale and undoubtedly cold. Albedo cups his face and makes sure he's breathing. It's so faint but it's still there and that's all he needs.

He needs to perform CPR, Kaeya had to have been in the water for a long time and barely got himself out. Albedo curses himself for not getting here sooner, he doesn't have time.

He tilts Kaeya's head back and lifts his chin. He places his hands on his chest and pushes down. Doing this multiple times, then pinching the Captain's nose bridge. "Forgive me," he mumbles.

He places his mouth over his. His golden hair falling over Kaeya's face and he breathes deep. He continues this cycle until Kaeya gasps and coughs out water. The Alchemist sighs a breath of relief and holds onto Kaeya.

"Hey," the tall male smiles, Albedo moves his hair out of his eye and he lets out a small shaky laugh, "Saving me now? I wasn't expecting a kiss so soon." Kaeya is weak and the joke doesn't pull through, Albedo can't smile because he's too worried about him. "Let's get you back to the cave."

"Don't be stingy," Kaeya frowns now, "You know I can't die from stuff like this."

But Albedo doesn't know, he knows though that Kaeya has been through so much. So much he doesn't deserve and so he lifts Kaeya's arm, wrapping the arm around his shoulder. Then wraps his own arm around the blue-haired Captain's waist.

"C'mon, I don't want you to freeze."

Kaeya gives in then, realizing he can't joke about this with the Alchemist. It doesn't phase him and Kaeya makes note of that. "Okay."

Albedo looks at him, into his eye. Kaeya in turn looks back. "Thank you for helping me save Klee," the Alchemist says with utmost sincerity. Then he looks toward the mountain they need to climb and starts the trek back to warmth with Kaeya held tightly within his grasp.

(AN- Oh boy! He's found! He's also severely traumatized LMAOO. The comments on my last chapter made me laugh, I appreciate them. <3)

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