Rejecting Recovery - 9

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Albedo and Klee had wandered back just before dark. Klee was excited to go see Sucrose, though she had blown up multiple potions before. Sucrose was always nice to her and so she never disliked the Apprentice.

But both of them weren't expecting to see Kaeya, his skin clammy and his expression one of immense sickness. Klee, in a moment of panic clung onto Sucrose. "What happened to Mister Kaeya?!" She squealed.

Sucrose rubbed her back to soothe her, "He's got a cold, it's okay Klee." She smiled at her.

"Yeah yeah, it's all good Klee." Kaeya waved it off, holding in the cough that he desperately wanted to get out.

Albedo walks in then, his expression unreadable but he says nothing. He starts opening cabinets and looking through them, Sucrose looks at him with concern.

"Sir?" she asks.

"Can you drop Klee off with Lisa in the library?" Albedo asks her.

She nods but asks, "Why sir?"

He exasperates a sigh and looks at her, "So you can go to dragonspine to get the snow crystals."

Klee looks between Kaeya and Albedo, then at Sucrose and she wants to object, "But-" 

"Yes sir, let's go Klee" she takes Klee's hand in hers and they both leave. Sucrose was a very understanding person but more than that she knew not to irritate the Alchemist any further. Klee looks behind her before the lab door closes.

Albedo, already getting straight to work, taking out different liquids and chemicals. He's familiar with Sucrose's lab because it once was his.

Kaeya just watches him work as he moves with purpose and vigor.

"It's just a cold." Kaeya wheezes out, talking was a mistake because he starts coughing again and it takes a while to stop.

"Stop downplaying your symptoms, you aren't accustomed to dragonspine and it's weather. You need to rest, you won't be able to work for at least a week."

"What? But I'm fine, I just need a little bit of healing. And the cold isn't that bad, I do worse during the summer." He counters, he's getting a bit frustrated. He feels like a weak child in this state and it's irritating, especially with Albedo or even Diluc making it seem like he can't do anything on his own.

He's been on his own since when he was born. He only has himself, so when people start treating him like he's this baby that needs pampering it sets him off.

Albedo walks up to Kaeya and places his hand on his forehead. The Captain was a little taken aback at the sudden intimacy because of how angry the last statement made him. Albedo didn't seem to notice Kaeya's flustered state, he's too focused.

"Lay down." Albedo firmly stated while taking out water and heating pads.

Kaeya shakes his head, "This is unnecessary, seriously I'm fine."

Albedo doesn't have the time or patience for this. "I will not hesitate to resort to anesthesia to make you accept medical help Kaeya." this was actually a lie but it seemed like the Captain wasn't going to let up.

Kaeya was going to object again but fell quiet. He got onto the bed to lay down, coughing just a little. Albedo put a blanket around him and started to boil some water. Checking his temperature and putting the base ingredients into a bowl to make the warming potion specifically for dragonspine illnesses.

He just needed the snow crystals, that Sucrose undoubtably should be getting now. Albedo sits and waits for her to come back, making sure that Kaeya slowly warms up.

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