Confession - 25

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Albedo sits by the bedside that Kaeya currently inhabits. His head laid on the bed with Kaeya's hand in his. They both had barely made it out alive. Though Albedo doesn't remember much, he does remember Barbra lending a shoulder while Rosaria carried Kaeya on her back.

They had heard from the Traveler beforehand that they might have needed backup, thank the archons they did because Kaeya would have been dead if not for their arrival.

Albedo can't sleep, he can't work, can't eat, can't even pick up a pencil to draw. It had been two times that Kaeya had almost died. Two times too many and it's all of his fault.

He looks at the Captain, the way his breathing is shallow and every breath he takes looks painful. The frost had thawed significantly but his skin is much more blue and pale than before. His injuries now turned to newly healed scars, which is all thanks to Barbara. But even then, he looks miserable like this.

"Mr. Albedo sir?"

Albedo doesn't need to turn around to know it's Sucrose. "Yes Sucrose?" He hasn't talked much when he arrived so his voice is still very hoarse.

"The Traveler has come back and they would like to speak with you," she politely states.

"I am not leaving Kaeya's side, they can come in here to discuss the matter." His grip on Kaeya's hand tightens a bit, he doesn't want to let go.

Sucrose hesitates before asserting herself, after all, it is something Albedo had taught her, "Sir, Kaeya is in good hands. I will stay with him here but you must go with the Traveler. It's important."

The Alchemist could argue till the day he dies but he's too tired to try. He gets up slowly, looking back toward Kaeya, then he walks out of the room.

The Traveler is standing right outside the door but as Albedo looks down - Klee is there. He had forgotten that Klee was left in the library when the commotion was happening. He felt he needed to apologize or say something that wouldn't worry Klee.

She held onto the Traveler's hand and she just stares at Albedo, like she's trying to figure something out. "Albedo isn't happy," she says quietly. His body has never felt heavier, he felt like he wanted to drown in that moment. Because she's far too observant for her own good, and it's as simple as that because she isn't wrong. He's exhausted and he's worried about what he'll do or what he can't do.

Klee looks up at Paimon and the Traveler, who hasn't said a word. "Where is Mr. Kaeya?"

Both of them don't say anything, until the Traveler finally says, "Let's go fish blasting Klee." Paimon nods and motions Albedo to come with them.

Albedo reluctantly follows. They walk out in silence, even the jump in Klee's step isn't there. They walk out to the lake that Klee always goes to when she feels like blasting some poor fish. Paimon floats down to her level to take her hand.

"Klee, let's go together so your Brother can talk to them," Paimon says softly. Klee understands immediately and walks ahead with Paimon.

The Traveler smiled just a little, it's the first time they did since arriving. "Are you alright?" Albedo asks. Though he never asks people about this, he feels he has to, something happened in the Labyrinth and he wants to know what.

"Don't you feel that once you realize you can have something, someone, you want to chase after that chance? But there's always something, something in the way. Some kind of problem that just gets in the way of that possibility. And then you realize you've lost what you can never have." They stare out across the vast lands of Teyvat, avoiding the question so easily. Tears falling from their eyes, but their eyes seem so void of emotion.

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