I Burn For You- 52

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Kaeya grumbles as he's being taken away by none other than his own brother. It's ironic really, being a prisoner to his "so-called" family. They walk in silence for the most part, passing Dawn Winery. Diluc doesn't even greet his maids as he's too busy escorting Kaeya as far away from Mondstadt as possible.

He had convinced Jean that if Albedo were to show up at the doorsteps of the headquarters, that Kaeya be away so that they can't conspire together any more than they already have. Jean agreed and it resulted in Kaeya's wrist being bound. Both Diluc and Kaeya hopped on a traveling cart and rode away up until Springvale.

From what Kaeya had heard just by eavesdropping, it seemed like he would be hidden in Liyue until further notice. He had tried to escape multiple times but Diluc was never an easy person to run away from. And especially because of the situation, he was on high alert.

"Diluc, seriously, why can't you just let me go back? You didn't even let me say my goodbyes."

His brother chuckles a bit, more careless than anything, "You have no right to go back. You willingly put the city in danger without a care for your friends and family."

Kaeya is the one to laugh in disbelief, appalled by Diluc's audacity, "Are you fucking kidding me? The only family I ever had is dead. 500 years in the ground. Mondstadt isn't my city or my family. I mean when you guys found out who I was- what did you do? Oh right, you threw me out and tried to kill me on multiple accounts. So I apologize for being a little apathetic to the idea of you dying."

Diluc tries to argue but suddenly the ground shakes and they both look up to the source. A loud roar, one that rivals the echoes of Liyue's gorges, shrieks beyond the stratosphere. It's so loud that the birds flock away from their posts. Animals run wild and fruits fall from the trees. Kaeya stares as he watches the bright mix of purple and yellow emerge from the center of Mondstadt.

He was enamored as he was terrified. He watched as an enormous dragon emerged from the headquarters and spread its wings acting like the moon during an eclipse to block out the sun. It was beautiful.

"Let's go!" Diluc grabbed his arm and dragged him away, ripping Kaeya from the horrifyingly beautiful display.


Diluc turned around, "What?"

Kaeya focused his cryo energy and froze the binds around his wrists. He then slammed the binds against his knee, shattering them completely.

"I have to go to him."

Then he was running, running faster than he had ever run in his life. He was determined. He promised Albedo to be with him until the end and he wasn't going to break his promise.

Diluc called out to him but Kaeya couldn't hear anything but the thumping of his own heartbeat. His feet hit the soil of Teyvat as he stared at the dragon sitting atop of the cathedral. As if his world was moving in slow motion, the dragon's breath turned into fire, vivid purple flames that wreaked havoc upon the citizens. A high ringing sound that muffles the screams of the city is all Kaeya can hear.

He makes it to the bridge, out of breath but determined. He races to the gates as people run out of it. They don't even spare him a glance as they run in the opposite direction. Fire adorned the banners that decorated the city. Food carts were broken and windows shattered, glass falling from the sky like a violent snow storm.

"ALBEDO!" Kaeya screams as he tries to go further. A hand catches his wrist and he looks back, expecting to see his brother but instead-

"Kaeya! Where have you been?"

"Rosaria? Sucrose?!" He smiles, "You guys okay? What happened- Wait no, that's for later. Help me find him."

Rosaria shakes her head, "Sucrose and I are going to help escort the citizens out of the city. We just got here and we wanted to say that there is a cure for him."

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