Labyrinth of Stars- 50

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"Think, think, think! There has to be a way to properly navigate this place." Sucrose glides her fingers across the walls, they look almost glossy and transparent but it is glittering with the stars of the sky. Then it clicks, she traces the constellations and finds that they correspond to the ones that Mona always speaks of. But these are all different. They are all upside down.

"Rosaria, do you know anything about star constellations?"

"Not really, why? Do they have anything to do with this place?"

She nods, pointing to the stars on the wall, "They might help us navigate the labyrinth. Take a look at this- Corona Borealis, the constellation of the northern crown but the thing is... it's upside down."

Rosaria walks a little further, "Oh, this looks familiar. It looks like the Draco constellation, a dragon that guards the golden apple tree."

Sucrose keeps going, taking note of every constellation she sees until she stumbles onto one that looks particularly odd. Gemini- the constellation of the twins. Rosaria stands next to her and stares at it, "What's with this one?"

The young apprentice doesn't say a word, she reaches out and touches the constellation. The stars light up and the entire labyrinth shifts. Rosaria reaches out and grabs her, making sure they don't get lost in the shifting of the walls. "What did you do?"

Sucrose shrugs, "I wanted to examine it further because it was the only constellation that was right side up." The floor suddenly shifts and disappears in front of them, replacing the dark blue floor with luminescent stairs. "That's new," Rosaria comments, walking over and testing if the stairs are even solid, "Yeah, it's safe to go down."

Sucrose smiles, "I think we are getting somewhere! Let's keep finding more. I'm guessing that the labyrinth isn't horizontal but vertical. Like a spiral of stairs going down instead of getting to the other side of a large room."

Rosaria clicks her tongue, "Spiral Abyss! Damn, it was in the name the whole time."


Dainsleif stands in front of the Spiral Abyss entrance, he grimaces at the sight and wishes that he doesn't have to go back.

"Dain! We were hoping you didn't go in already!" Paimon waves to him as she floats down and gives a cheeky smile.

"I wouldn't have gone in without you regardless. The labyrinth of this place is unpredictable, shifting walls or the voices of the ones you know and love. You cannot trust this place for even a few minutes."

The traveler shrugged, "Must be terrifying, I've gone in a couple times."

Dainsleif looks at them, puzzled by the casual tone, "What?"

They smirk, "It's not as crazy as everyone says it is, I've only ever seen rooms filled with enemies that I've fought throughout Teyvat. And once I finish, I can just pop back out."

Dainsleif raises a brow, concern shrouding his face, "Traveler, that isn't normal. The only other person I know that can manipulate the abyss is..."

They look at him, their face telling him that they already know. "My sibling is most likely more powerful in the abyss. I can only go to these arenas but I'm sure that they can make it do anything they please. They were probably the one to hide the antidote in the first place."

Dainsleif nods, he stares at the portal and walks toward it, "Let's not waste any time, they are going to need as much help as they can get." He reaches his hand out and touches the portal, it shines and accepts him with grace. He turns to find a muddled Traveler and Paimon on the other side.

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