Snow is Bitter - 3

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Before realizing it, the three of them have already huddled up and Klee is fast asleep. Albedo decided to make a much more comfortable "bed" for her on the floor. It's not the best but it works and Klee doesn't seem to stir.

"Hey, it's really nice that you care for her," Kaeya whispers. It seemingly comes out of nowhere but Albedo can tell it seems genuine. "Who would I be if I didn't?" he asks as if the question shouldn't even be asked. "I know, but it's just nice to see."

The Alchemist doesn't pry, there are a lot of things that Kaeya doesn't tell. He doesn't think he trusts anyone really, it's in the way that he holds himself and the careful questions and answers he uses. "Don't you think the snow is beautiful?" Albedo points towards the little opening where the wind howls through.

This question makes Kaeya grimace a little, "Not really."

Albedo looks at him questionably, "But your vision is of a cryo vision."

"It's not like we choose our visions," Kaeya staring down at his hands, "The Archons choose, and sometimes they have terrible timing too."

Albedo wants to ask, 'Why', but he doesn't. He goes on to say, "I think snow is sacred, I've been in these mountains for so long. It reminds me of my master, so being here is comforting." The Captain listens intently, seemingly very interested in whatever Albedo has to say. "It's fragile, the patterns on snowflakes are so meticulously crafted. Each one different than the last."

A little makeshift imitation of a snowflake appears in his hand. Kaeya looks at it in wonder, "Is that even Alchemy?" Albedo laughs, "Somewhat but-" and the snowflake burst into particles, "It doesn't last long. I'm no cryo wielder so I can't make it stay for any longer than a moment."

"It was beautiful," Kaeya says, his eye so transfixed to the spot where it once was. Albedo smiles, "I guess I'm changing your mind." The captain shakes his head, "Not a chance," he lets out a breathy laugh. Albedo didn't notice before that Kaeya's eye has a diamond pupil, he touches his own neck that has the same shape.

"Aren't you cold?" Kaeya asks, pulling Albedo in and having them huddle together. The sudden contact makes Albedo feel very awkward, he doesn't know what to do. "Your hair is a very pretty color," Kaeya murmurs.

Albedo suddenly feels his cheeks go red, that's really odd, no one has ever said that to him before.

"I like the way you talk about the snow," Kaeya lets out, "it makes me feel like someone appreciates the brittle and cruelness that it brings."

His voice seems serious now like there's honesty behind the statement. Albedo thinks this isn't so much about the snow anymore. "That's what makes it appealing to me. It reminds me of loneliness in some ways but it's always with you. It makes warm grilled fish more appealing too."

Kaeya's laugh is filling up the echo of the cave, it's soothing to hear. The Alchemist has to admit, the peace of the howling wind outside and the Captain's smooth voice calms him. He was always stressed, overworking himself. His only goal is to fulfill his master's wish, "Show me the truth and meaning of this world."

His work engulfs him, consumes his every waking being. He hasn't felt comfort like this in years, not with the fear of what he is. Or what he could become.

He doesn't realize it but he is fast asleep, his breath slowing. Kaeya, now embracing him, "Seems the Chief Alchemist was tired." Languishingly petting Albedo's hair, he hums.

"I wonder how you were able to practice Kheanri'ah Alchemy..." and soon the Captain was dozing off as well.


Albedo was awoken to his body being shaken. "-bedo! Albedo!" Kaeya yelled, his face so close to his own. Albedo jerked up, "What's going on?" he frantically asked.

"Klee, she's gone!" Kaeya's getting up now, looking around the cave but obviously to no avail.

Albedo now realizing what's going on is now feeling something he can only describe as dread. "Did you see her go out?" his face sweating now, anxiety settling in.

"No, I was asleep and when I woke up she was gone."

Albedo quickly got up and ran to the opening, the wind still blowing strong and the snow still falling heavily. He was going to run out in the pouring snow but his wrist was caught. "No, you're going to freeze to death." Kaeya states.

Albedo wanted to counter, 'I'm not really human' or 'I can withstand the cold' but none of those responses will waver Kaeya. His eye looking right at him, telling him, 'I'm not going to let you die.'

"Fine, let's use the blankets. But I'm going to go out one way or another, I don't want to leave her out to die either."

"Of course, I was going to go with you anyways." the Captain then smiles but still filled with worry and grit.

They quickly take the blankets and rush outside, using the walls to help them walk through the strong wind. Albedo taking long strides, the only thing motivating him is to find Klee. An arm above his eyes, squinting and shouting for Klee. He hears nothing but the cold and bitter snow that clouds his hearing and sight. The feeling of anxiousness and terrible dread seep further.

"Klee-" a big gust of wind blows towards him and he tries to stand his ground but suddenly gets swept up. It feels hopeless, he shouldn't have left Klee alone. No, curse the Archons for letting him get even a bit of sleep. His only family is now slipping away from him by the cold, the place he found comfort in.

He feels a hand, it grips tightly around his wrist, pulling him towards them. Of course, Kaeya is still here. "I've got you." his voice is low, focusing on keeping Albedo near him. Albedo nods and they both hold onto each other. "Can you see anything?" he asks.

Kaeya shakes his head, "Only snow and wind."

They've been going at it for quite a while. The air in the mountains is brittle, Albedo is much more accustomed to it, having traversed the mountains longer than many others but Kaeya seems to be short of breath. "Kaeya-" Albedo catches him as he falls, but the Captain waves it off.

"It's fine, we need to keep going. Find her."

"No, I don't want you dying too. I should've gone alone." he puts his arm under Kaeya's and lets him lean on him.

"You would've died too-" coughing, it's getting hard to breathe for Kaeya, "I wouldn't have let you."

"I know, but it's still frustrating all the same. I'm begging you then," looking into Kaeya's dark blue eye, "stay alive."

Kaeya nods, hanging onto the Alchemist for dear life.

Albedo doesn't know how long it's been, he has seen nothing and his body feels numb. A sudden shout is heard, a couple of feet away. A sign of hope that maybe Klee is still alive. "That might be her!" he squints at the figure.

Slumped on the ground, it's red. He's frantic and scared for a moment that it may be blood but it isn't. It's red clothing, an unconscious Klee laying on the ground. "Thank the Archons." Albedo rushes to her side. She gasps, coughing violently. "Albedo?" she whispers, voice hoarse. He nods scooping her up into his arms.

"I wanted to get fish so Kaeya could make some to be warm but- Wait where is he?" her voice going quiet.

Albedo whips his head back to where the Captain should have been, "No, he was right here! I swear-"

Klee starts to sniffle and cry, "Did I make him mad? I didn't mean to." her tears streaming faster but it's cold and so ice and snow form on her face.

Albedo feels a surge of overwhelming emotion, this always seems to happen. The storm is now even stronger than before, he also feels like crying. He's too tired after searching for Klee that his voice can't even shout for the person who had helped him in the first place.

"Where are you..." his voice giving out.

(AN- So angst? :) I'm literally writing this late at night. The sad feels are just getting started)

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