Kheanri'ah - 34

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"Traveler, you almost gave yourself away."

"I know Paimon, I just had to say something," they look at their hands, "The seasons are changing, the wind is picking up. And the cold only brings devastation. That's what Dainsleif told me, before he disappeared."

Paimon sighs, "You guys and your silly little riddles, I never understand them. Why can't you guys be simple and enjoy food like Paimon?"

They chuckle, "You're all I have Paimon, I can't tell anyone anything. It's like I'm being suffocated by promises and secrets. But you're always by my side. Thank you Paimon."

Paimon lightly punches their arm, her eyes watering up, "I cried enough earlier, don't make me more sad!" She hugs them tight, the sentiment being mutual.

"Do you think what Dainsleif said was true?" Paimon asks, her voice a whisper.

The Traveler ponders, "I really wouldn't know, my sibling had some history with Dainsleif. The Abyss is still a mystery and I want to know what is going on. Everyone keeps me in the dark about what exactly transpired. But I know my sibling, they are doing this on purpose. I think they know that if I saw what they did, then I would understand why they're apart of the Abyss."

"It doesn't mean killing everything in your path is the right thing to do. That's something I don't think I can understand," The Traveler is lost in thought.

"Paimon didn't understand anything you said, but you seem to know what you want to find. I just can't believe Dainsleif is from Kheanri'ah, and you never told me you had memories of the calamity 500 years ago."

They sit down, as if the burdens of the past weighing on their shoulders, "I know, it's all too coincidental."

Paimon pats them on the shoulder, "Let's hope that everything goes okay. Paimon is here too, and I'm not going anywhere. I wouldn't be a helpful guide if I disappeared!"

The Traveler smiles, but it doesn't last, their mind racing with a million thoughts, "I still don't really understand why Dainsleif was so insistent on Albedo being taken away from Mondstadt. He didn't even clarify why it needs to be so."

Paimon fiddles with her fingers, "I think..."

"What is it Paimon?"

Silence fills the air, the little floating companion opens her mouth but the words can't seem to come out.


Kaeya is laughing, having had a little too much to drink. Probably drinking his emotions away. He never reveals so much of himself at a time but he was so overwhelmed with the need to help Klee and Albedo that he ended up doing exactly that. Especially with what Klee said, it hit too close to home. He gets so tired physically if he cries so much, probably because he doesn't cry that often.

Diluc isn't usually at the Tavern but he was here on this particular night. He didn't say a word to Kaeya at first, their previous interaction still fresh in his mind.

"Heheh, wine is always a treat~" Kaeya is slumped over the counter, wine is the only thing that you could smell for miles.

"Lord Barbatos, I'm not going to give you any more. Pay up and get out, I'm sure you have places to be." Diluc grits out, but his real intention is to avoid interacting with his brother.

Kaeya is a dramatic man at heart, "Why me?! Why does everyone want me out?! I'm a monster, truly a monster." His blue hair, messy and sprawled out over the table, which Diluc swats away to avoid it getting into the drinks.

"Look, I don't know why you're drinking like the world is ending but please for the love of Celestia get out of the tavern." The Ragnvindr is not a happy camper when it comes to crazy drunkards infesting his bar, but Kaeya seems to be the only exception at times.

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